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She kept tormenting herself for the mistakes of the past. She had three abortions just to preserve his reputation because of his position in Church.
After all her sacrifice and the secrets, he left her to marry someone else.

Seven Years later
Zinny hasn't forgiven Mark and she has refused to get involved in any relationship.
How can she ever trust any man when the one she trusted with all her life threw it into the trash can?

She is a prisoner of her PAST

Ade is always busy, too occupied with plans, vision, and goals.
He is always interested in the next move, never satisfied with his current stride to the detriment of his family.
He is so preoccupied that his wife and two daughters don't feel his presence whenever he is at home.

Whenever anyone raises an objection or observation about his vision, he sees it as an attack or criticism.
Currently, his home is on the brink of collapse.

Ade has become a prisoner of his FUTURE

The PAST and the FUTURE are necessary for a balanced life but they shouldn't be greater than the moment you have now.

The breath of life, the love from family and friends, the warmth of your spouse, the innocence and love of your children, the cool breeze that brushes through your skin.

The demand of life each day takes our focus from the little we should be grateful for at the moment to the thought of the past and future neglecting the gold mine sitting right in front of us.

Start Living

Choose intentionally to live and enjoy the little things you have now.

Breakaway from the chains of the past and future.
Don't be a Prisoner

I hope this post gets the engagement it deserves, it a writing from my heart

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