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Large Communities Help Everyone Prosper

Without other people our life becomes worse than that of an impoverished third world subsistence level farmer they have other people to depend on.

Jewish people have always known the power of specialisation but where did they learn it? From the Bible of course, Jews have always understood specialisation and it is described in the book of genesis.

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Jacob blesses his twelve sons and simply could have said I bless you with everything. May God take care of you always. However there are 28 verses on record to distinguish and separate stop. This clearly demonstrates that we are all specialised in our own unique ways and have special talents that we can utilise in the marketplace.

The idea behind each of these blessings is unity and diversity each person and each tribe have their own unique niche in the rich tapestry that is the marketplace. Each person and each tribe is special in their own ways and can also become dependent upon one another for everything else. Perhaps an important parenting characteristic, some way of guaranteeing that all children would remain united and concerned for the welfare of one another is to be specialised in their own separate ways in the business sector.

Helping one another

The same is true for the father in heaven in desiring to unify his children he created a world that rewarded those who specialised in some creative area of work and there traded their efforts for somebody else's specialised area of creative work.

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Let's compare the outlook of a survivalist in solitude and that of a business professional. The former views other people as competitors and threats however by contrast the business professional has their life intricately linked to many other people. He has to be concerned when providing goods and services at sufficient quality and at an attractive price in order to attract and serve his customers. He has to be concerned with his employees and associates because only if they are happy and fulfilled with his enterprise will he prosper.

He also needs to be concerned with his vendors who supply him with the raw material of his production, because without them he is incapable of operating. Now who do you think God prefers the one who prefers to be in isolation and who needs nobody or the business professional active with a complex matrix of connectivity in which he is preoccupied with making life better for so many of gods children.

Mission Finance

This post was motivated by Mission Finance. Aim is to spread financial literacy to help people be financially equipped


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Thank you for taking the time to read my post on financial education. I hope this served you in some way.

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