#fiveouncefriday: My Mirk Water Booty Part 1 of 2 : My new Sunshine Mint 5 ounce bars


” Blackbirds tend to like Shiny Things” ~ The Bloody Raven

I'm early for this, but what the heck, I'm excited to share.
I remember picking up my phone to catch up on a few of @joshuaslane’s latest take on the silver market during my coffee break.

Even with his quaint Scottish burr, there was something afoot when his Friday chart work showed the Silverton (Spot Price) had taken another big southward tack.

I checked my Katco app 9. Another Spot Silver price massacre had just happened and thought it difficult to believe it blew past my line in the sand.

It seemed almost poetic with it happening on a Friday the 13th 🔪 🎃 and the attractive price now got me thinking again, IT’S A BARGAIN! And I love bargains.

As I worked my following Saturday Night Shift, I thought of dipping into my Emergency Cash reserve which was earning a paltry 0.75% with Interest rates plunging to zero, I decided to make a move committing no more than 10% of that fund.

An amount I can reasonably top back up in six to eight weeks as long as there were no unexpected bills and I was expecting a raise too.

Now my Emergency Cash Reserve is liquid cash I set aside for Emergency needs such as; an unexpected Hospital/ Medical expense, an urgent Home Repair from an accident, or if I become unemployed but with enough to cover living expenses for around two months, or maybe when Credit and Debit cards unexpectedly stop working. It’s Peace of mind!

What a lovely shine!

With most people living check to check it may be quite a challenge to set aside a sizeable sum of reserve cash. While most financial Know-it-alls recommend a six month cushion. I could so far manage to build this valuable financial cushion to cover an equivalent of two months livings expenses. It was hard enough for two months, how many folks could save for six month’s of expenses? Not many.


The Sunshine Mint Inc. is a private company located in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho manufacturing products from a variety of precious metals to products to customer specifications. The company produces its own line of Investor grade precious metal products featuring their own Security feature technology. A form of micro-engraving that can be identifiable by using the SMI Mint Mark decoding lens that are available from most retailers of Sunshine mint products.

And I don’t have that lens yet. But this retailer has a business reputation of over 40 years and assured me that they test their product even coming from reputable suppliers.

What’s under these bars? My next post, Part 2

I counted out from my strong box an amount to my expected budget and prepared to call the retailer at their opening time of 10 AM Monday morning. Calling the Burnaby branch, the Customer Desk informed me that they were already out of stock on all bars and coins. The Burnaby Branch suggested that I should go to the main downtown office as the Richmond Branch may likely out of stock too. With the main branch closed on the weekend there’s a good chance they will have stock, “Give them a call.” I did.
“Let me check for you, just a minute….(Less than a minute later)…Yes we have both the bars and most other coins in stock now. We’re open until 6 PM.”

At the Retailer's Counter sales

Spot Price at the moment of Purchase

“Brisk sales?” I asked.
“Much more than usual. So is there anything else?”
“Well, could you spare a yellow Monster Box for my Maple Leaf coins? I’ve been buying my Maple Leafs from your business for the last four years running and you probably recycle these boxes by the bin full, may I have one please?”
With a smile she replied, “Sure, let me check… (less than a minute later) …” well you can see I got the monster box.


As in a previous article, my sister @silversaver888 has her ‘Tubular journey’, and I have my ‘Monster Mission’ as I am just several tubes short to filling it. I can now visualize the goal.

As @stokjockey taught me, the moral of the story is: It’s good to build a business relationship with the proprietor. It can pay dividends.

Did you take advantage of the Friday the 13th Spot Price plunge? What did you get?

Is your style a Tubular Journey or a Monster Box Mission?”


The #fiveouncefriday tag is one of many strategic tags hatched by none other than the TAG MASTER @silverd510 to take over the all social block chains one post at a time. Give in to the Master and reveal your latest Five Silver Combo.


1. My own pictures shot with a Samsung SM-A530W
P. Image under Pixabay
R. Clip art from 123RF
W. Wiki Commons
9. Actually Kitco


“Et lux in tenebris to serve laboro, sum sicarius” “I work in the shadows to serve the Light, I am an Assassin”

Posted via Steemleo

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