Shutterstock Is Anti NFT and Anti Crypto, It Seems

This article on the Shutterstock blog, deceptively entitled "What Are NFTs? How to Monetize Your Photos Using Blockchain", is not so much a "how-to" article as a "how-not-to-and-please-don't" hit piece.

It starts out by explaining what NFTs are, and then quickly switches over to explaining why NFTs are bad.

Main reason NFTs are bad: the environment.

I've heard that somewhere before. Seem to hear it more and more lately. Hmm... It's been refuted but I can't seem to find that anywhere on Google anymore, hmm... Oh well...

So does this mean Shutterstock is getting worried about NFTs dipping into those nice middleman profits they make? Well, let's put two and two together:

Shutterstock didn't have to write about NFTs on their blog. But Shutterstock DID write about NFTs on their blog. So what motivated them to write about NFTs on their blog?

Was it foresight? Questions from customers about whether they will begin offering NFTs? Actually beginning to lose customers to NFTs and other platforms that support them?

Or was it legitimate environmental concerns? You know, just writing about how NFTs are bad for the environment because they are just soooo concerned about it.

I couldn't find an image I liked of Shutterstock or global warming, so instead I'll leave you with a copy of an NFT in my small NFT Showroom collection that I bought from my old buddy @xyanthon

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