The first secret to success

Hello Hivers,


Everyone wants to be successful but not everyone understands what it takes to really be successful. Truth be told, success itself is a great journey. And getting on that journey involves a whole lot of things.
It is just like preparing to travel, you need to know where you are going? What you are going for? And of course pack some essentials to get you ready and comfortable at least for the journey. This is just what it entails for you to be successful.

I have been to so many business webinars and it seems like everyone of those speakers is saying the same thing when it comes to being successful. And what is that?

The secret to being successful is for you to start.

Yes, you need to take the first step of starting.
Starting feels like a big job actually. Personally, starting a thing or an idea takes me a very long time to achieve.

So recently, my partner and I were having a discussion on having more streams of income and what we could do to get it. When he asked me what I had figured out, I told him I wanted to make pastries.

He laughed and reminded that since January 1st, I have been talking about going into pastries commercially and the year is almost ended and I haven't even done a thing. Those words hit me so hard and I realized that I have wasted so many months still nursing an idea instead of starting.

It is safe to say that starting itself sometimes is underated. When you start, you give yourself an opportunity to build wealth. Nobody ever built wealth by folding their hands. I have so many ideas lined up in my head to achieve but I haven't even started 1% of them.

I stayed away from hive for some time and every time I will procrastinate about coming back. It took me about 2 months to finally take the bull by the horn to start writing again. This is how it is to many people. They keep procrastinating and never get the courage to start.

Another secret to success is Continuity....

So you have started this business or anything yea? Well, congratulations. How about continuity? Are you ready to show up everyday? One thing I have learnt especially here on hive is showing up everyday. The moment you stop showing up, your growth reduces. And this is the same for all businesses.

You need to be 100% active all the time. Honestly, it is not easy to show up every day. It takes a lot of efforts and sacrifices to do so. But if your goal is to be successful, then you need to damn everything and focus on your success journey. Your eyes should constantly be on the prize.

Another secret to success is Conquering your fears

Fear is a destroyer. And if you do not conquer it, you will end up being on a spot for many years to come. What fear does to you is to make you see reasons why you shouldn't do what you should do to be successful. I have been here so many times and its quite crazy I must say.

Starting my pastry business has been on hold for a long time because of fear. Instead of conquering it, I find myself asking so many questions like, what if my pastry isn't good? What if I don't make sales in a day? All these questions just keeps ringing in my head every time I want to pick myself up to start.


The first step is to start and when you do, keep going and don't stop. Fear may want to grip you and make you stop but understand that you need to keep pushing your business if you want to be successful. Always remember that successful people do not quit.

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