A Sure Fire Way To Win On The Blockchain

I've been getting a few extra days off work these past few weeks as I'm getting ready to move into my new home. And when that happens, I get to spend a lot more time back on the blockchain. There's something very comforting for me, to sit behind the computer at my desk with a cup of coffee in hand and fire up Threads!

Yeah it's safe to say...I still have a passion for this stuff :)

And something I thought I could talk about today is a technique that's available for every single person on chain. And it doesn't require huge stake, but it does require some elbow grease. And this technique, when used properly, can essentially translate into massive success in this community.

But first, a little backstory about someone a lot of you may know, but if you are new here, this name might not ring a bell.

His name is @nathanmars

This is Nathan.

This guy was arguably one of the most important people this blockchain ever produced and anyone he met on chain, instantly became a fan of his. He jumped on chain back when it was still 'steem' and had a passion unlike anything you ever have seen before.

He was everywhere. And he supported so many people here. While he wasn't a whale in the sense of the word, he did have a large stake and supported people with his delegation and upvotes. He truly was the salt of the earth and sadly, a lot of us are not sure what happened to him.

But why am I bringing him up for this little blog post of mine....

Because of the two things he did that anyone else can do.

  1. He was everywhere! Commenting, making blog posts, promoting the chain to everyone that would listen. He became the face of promoting web 3 on web 2.

  2. He supported people with encouragement and saw the best in everyone.

Be everywhere. Support your fellow community members.

That's the technique right there, and hopefully his example hits home with someone reading this blog post. You see, if you want to get more upvotes, more traction, more comments, more engagement....Give it!

If you want to get supported. Support. Be the change you want to see right here, right now. I wish it was more complicated than that, and I wish I could charge $49.99 a month for this advice lol But seriously, most people won't. They will say what can the blockchain do for me, rather than what can I do for this blockchain community.

And here's a super easy tip to get you started....It's a lot easier to get noticed and support within the $LEO community than anywhere on chain or even in web 2. And it's still super early to this stuff, so if you want to make an impact right now, and build a solid reputation for being just an awesome person, don't look much further than right here.

And if anyone knows how to get a hold of Nathan...Let him know we miss him and hope he is doing well!

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