The Price to Pay to Getting Somewhere in Hive

Hello, everyone!

Are you just starting in the Hive and finding it challenging already? We all start somewhere they say...


A Wee Story...

Prior to my Hive journey, I have been jumping around many online opportunities that looked shiny - Revenue Ad Sharing, crypto-related stuff, affiliate marketing and whatever it was that I felt worthy to try, hence, I put out every bit of funds I had then.

Even enrolled in a few online "Master Classes" which I thought would be helpful to me on my online quest only to find out I was paying for something that didn't really benefit me. My fault actually, because there's a ton of knowledge available online for free but I opted to go the shortcut route. Or I was simply too naive. I probably misunderstood what the "gurus' often say, "education is expensive" and I literally took it as paying the tuition to learn something from them, lol!

I even met one so-called LEOcoin around the last quarter of 2015, one which the husband and I spent quite a sum to invest in. It turned out that it was to be added on our list of online-investments-gone-bad, lol! We certainly paid a hefty tuition before we learned that something that sounds too good to be true must be avoided at all costs.


And why am I even putting these here? Well, it is pretty easy to get lost in today's fast evolving technology and stuff, too many shiny objects popping up everywhere and so I shared it intentionally for those who may find value and learn from our bad decisions and experiences.

If there is one that I am truly grateful about is coming here in Hive and being in this space in the blockchain where there is wealth of knowledge to be learned for free and shared and in the process of doing so, we earn too. Win-win, yeah? You bet!

I would like to end this by highlighting some valuable insights that I recently learned from this amazing community. I believe these would be very helpful to those who are just starting or even to those who have been here but are still feeling lost. The very common mistake we commit when starting is trying to get a shortcut but there isn't any, or is there? We gotta do the work and so have a little patience and read these well-laid out valuable guides and tips from some of the VERY BEST in the blockchain.

It is very worthy to note that engagement is always mentioned and highlighted. I learned that it's actually the very KEY to starting well and to get noticed by the big guys with fat purses and of course, the way to learn many things too. It can be challenging and tiresome but I assure you, once you get the hang of it, it is fun!

And if that's not enough of a motivation, there's the Hive Engagement League and the LeoFinance Engagement where the top engagers are recognized and rewarded. And you bet you have to have your name on it, not mainly for the rewards of course.

And lastly, don't be afraid to ask questions. I was reading some confessions from fellow Hivers that like me, they are a bit hesitant to comment or ask questions with the thought that they are asking the wrong ones or something silly. But just like what one of my idols here puts it and I quote:

There are no wrong questions. This is a wide open space. It is a lot of experimentation and innovation so it is all new. So many possibilities so it is really all open to questioning. - TM

There you go, so yes, don't be hesitant to ask away! hehe!

Thank you and I hope you are able to digest something good out of this post.


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