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It's the last day of the #februaryinleo prompt ideas and it has been wonderful so far, kudos to inleo and the @leo.tasks team for the initiative. For the last day we are expected to write about a business man or woman that we admire so much and the reasons why. I believe people would expect me to talk about successful people who are always on the newspaper or always making headlines like Dangote, Elon Musk, otedola and co. But no, I love in a community where people both male and female are working so hard to make ends meet by engaging their all into businessess that would provide for them and their family. Starting a business as a common man is never easy, loaning monies for loan sharks, financial institutions, cooperatives can be so tasking because of the ridiculous interest percentage they request for. So for the purpose of this prompt, I would discuss about someone I know that has worked so hard to make her business stable.

Aunty Regina as we fondly called her, used to be my hairdresser/stylist back then, I would always opt for her store to make my hair because she was skilled at it. Although it was a very small shop and had less customers. Then one day I came back from school after about 7 months I wanted to make my hair then I realize that her shop was closed I asked around and all people could say was that she was no longer and hairdresser. Fast forward, I went to the market 3 days later because the market here happens at 5 days interval. Lo and behold I saw this woman in the market selling almost all kinds of things at wholesale she had become a jack of all trades. Apparently the hairdressing business was not profitable enough for her and how many children because I found out that her husband was not really supportive and she had like five children some in primary school and others in secondary school.

So to make ends meet she had to venture into what is profitable for her and her family. There are many reasons why I admire this woman as a business woman because I can relate with her story.

One of such reason is that, she has a resilient spirit at first when she started the business her shop was just a small chaos in the market but when I went to the market today you need to see her shop she was selling virtually everything ranging from rolls of soap, varieties of hair creams, sanitary pads, toilet roll, hair attachment, stationeries and so on. I admire the fact that she did not let anything break her because starting a business especially in my country in Nigeria requires a lot dedication, hard work, funds especially. So the fact that she boldly left the hair business to venture into something entirely new to her which is the Business of selling goods that are necessary for humans, it's a great deal.

Another reason why I admire her is because of are transparent nature. she is not a dubious person and how did I notice this? Take for example, today I went to the market to buy a big roll of tissue paper, I asked around and everybody's price was way above normal price claiming that inflation has affected prices and so on but when I got to this woman store she sold it for me at a lesser price one that a wholesaler would sell at a normal price for their customers.

She is a woman leader. She takes advantage of the fact that she has many customers and uses the platform to advocate for healthy living. During the last election,she campaigned for the part every one believed in.

To join in the inleo Initiative: February Monthly Prompt where there are daily prompts that can aid in writing contents that you are familiar with in the #februaryinleo by @leo.tasks. Check it out.

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