How To Handle 1st Amendment Auditors

I get a kick out of watching first amendment auditors on Youtube.

Imagine someone standing on the street videoing towards your business.

Why would you tell them they can't film?

Why not invite them in and give them a tour of your business?

I guarantee it is better than getting pepper sprayed and taken away in handcuffs like this guy did.

Instead some people, maybe not that many, get hostile with these auditors.

And as soon as the business owner or manager gets rude or hostile these auditors know how to get verbal and egg them on.

It makes for great content.

Jason Youtube channel is has 133,251,904 views and his son Ben has 268K viewers and they have been traveling the country for five years full time in their truck and trailer. This is a great father son team and the only one I know of that are first amendment auditors.

Jason appears to really know the laws in each state before he practices his craft of live videos and some of the still shots he edits in during the videos are awesome.

Most people seem to like it but of course the haters seem to get the most views.

Jason does seem to be a bit of a dick at times but this is how some native New Yorkers like himself come off, especially and truly only when the person approaching is rude.

He always gives anyone that gets physical an opportunity to apologize instead of getting taken away to the big house but men's egos often get in the way.

Most Auditors Know The Law

Talking about someone that knows the law is the big daddy, Sean Reyes has a whopping 636K followers and many lawsuits against city agencies and I think federal too but I could be mistaken on that.

Sean's about page describes his channel as follows:

Constitutional Activist
Investigative Journalist

Exercising Constitutional Rights in a respectful manner.
We The People will NOT allow our rights to be violated.
We WILL follow up.
We are striving for transparency and accountability from our public servants.
Law Enforcement Officers took an oath to uphold the Constitution. There are many who take this oath seriously. I've spoken to many Police & Correctional Officers who support me and I support their service to this country.
For those who don't take their oath seriously, know this, we will hold you accountable for your actions.
Together We The People are strong.
I truly appreciate the support of so many of you, with your positive comments, donations and especially petitioning your grievances to our government.
Our public servants need to understand WE won't allow them to violate our rights. Not now, not EVER!
1st Amendment Audits across the United States!

More Popular Auditors

Many of these channels on Youtube have 100s of thousands of followers: 186K followers 268K followers 268K followers 24K followers

It is quite comical to see men and women think they have authority over other adults in public. Especially since the invention of smart phones nearly everyone is carrying a video camera in their pockets.

I walk around town and film and put videos together to upload all the time and no one ever says a word but of course this is mostly in towns with a tourism industry.

The funniest part is when the people that complained about being videoed pull out their phones and start videoing the first amendment auditors.

Auditors Could Further Monetize Their Content

Now that I am writing this why not reach out to these guys and let them know about ...hmmm...that's a plan for sure.

A great way for them to further monetize their content.

Keep in mind these auditors also have their critics like Frauditor Troll and you can check out his channel here with 45K followers.

Not only are there critics but people do get violent, here is a compilation of scenes that turned violent.

Ok, first amendment auditors 3Speak is part of the Hive block chain and you need a Hive account to post your videos. A free way to do that is through which is also on the Hive block chain. Here is my affiliate link and keep up the good work.

Auditors 3speak is about:
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