My 2023 Leo Goal achieved 🤩 on the 12th #LPUD of this year!

Friday, 15th of December 2023 [24]

Hello Lions and Lionesses!

Welcome to the last #LPUD post for this year. There are just 2 more weeks before 2023 ends and it's time to wrap up my Leo journey. I really don't know where this year went, while on the other hand I'm also happy it is ending. It has been a challenging year for me and I'm sure for many others too.

I wish I could say that I achieved all the goals I have set for this year, but that would not be true. I got distracted many times, I lost my mojo too and even today I really didn't feel like writing this post or even do all the necessary transactions, but I have come thus far and I am not willing to give in on the very last step of this journey, especially knowing that my Leo Goal for 2023 is one of those rare ones that is actually almost in my pocket!

LPUD or Leo Power Up Day is that time of the month when we look into our Hive wallets in search of some $leo tokens to power up! We do so because:

  • we believe in the future of this blockchain,

  • we want to have a bigger voting power as well as better curation rewards,

  • we might also want to win some juicy delegations, which for this month are outlined in this post.

December 15th is a special edition on LPUD and @leogrowth announced that there will be additional delegations for Lions who either reach 1500 LP if they had below 1500 LP before this LPUD or power up 15% of their current stake for those with more than 1500 LP. For me the 15% would equal to around 300 LP and I don't have enough hive to purchase this much Leo tokens, so I must give this opportunity a miss.

As on every LPUD, there are 2 levels of powering up:

CUB attack: Power up at least 50 $leo on the 15th
LION attack: Power up at least 150 $leo on the 15th.

I must say... there aren't too many Leos in my wallet today, only 50, which would be enough for CUB attack, but I am aiming or LION attack of course. I haven't been a busy bee these days and the result of it is that I'll need to go to the market and purchase around 100 Leo tokens to be able to Power Up the minimum to receive my last #LPUD badge of 2023. Before that, my starting stake is 1936 LP.

Since the beginning of this year I have been Powering Up my Leo every single month without a fail. Some months were skinny and I almost gave up at times, but I managed to push through all the dips and whatever else life threw at me. As a result my LPUD badge collection for 2023 is almost completed, except for today's badge which will show up after midnight. As you can see, there is still around 4 hours to Power Up your $leo tokens.

I set 2 Primary goals for this year in terms of accumulation of crypto assets and one of those was to finish the year 2023 with 2023 Leos tightly tucked into my Leo Power. So what am I waiting for? There are just a few more Leo needed to complete my goal, so I went to and purchased 100 more Leo's today:

Technically I only needed 87 more Leos to complete my goal, but I wanted to Power Up the minimum required for the badge, hence why I purchased more than needed to complete my goal. Now that the deed is done, I can finally announce that my 2023 LP Goal as outlined in
January 2023 goals post for 2023 is now completed! Since my LP crossed 2k mark, I can also call myself A Newborn Cub.

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Sadly there will be no LPUD or LPUD post for #hivegarden this month again, as dear @riverflows deals with some real life things which are more pressing at this time. Hope you’re well my dear 😘

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Happy #LPUD everyone and hopefully @lhes has also powered up today 😁

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Until next time 💙

*All words and pictures are mine unless otherwise stated. Screenshots to illustrate numbers are taken from various Hive frontends.

©fantagira 2023*


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