How to increase domain authority | Part #2


In the previous post, I talked about backlinks and writing high-quality posts this is the second part of the series. Here I am going to talk about two more tips, you can increase your domain authority easily Not easy, but it will definitely increase your domain authority if you do it properly.

If you are visiting this post the first time, then I recommend you to visit my previous post where I talked about the other two things that I mentioned in the first paragraph. So you have to follow all the tips to get better results. That is why I’m to visit that particular post Let’s start

3. Do interlinking in the blog

Interlinking means adding other posts' link in the current post In the anchor text form. You cannot just paste a link in the current post because this is not going to help you Instead of this, you have to write a proper keyword related to that particular post that you are linking here and then add a link in that particular keyword. So this is called anchor text And this is a proper method to interlink.

Interlinking will pass the link Juice which will help to increase domain authority Another benefit is it decreases the bounce rate Means, if any user visits your post then it will visit other posts as well This will decrease the bounce rate. Your visitor will stay for a long time on your blog And this is good an SEO perspective This will increase your search ranking as well as increase the domain authority.

4. Write guest posts on other blogs

You have to follow two things when you write guest posts. First, the blog should be relevant to your topic And 2nd is The blog should have good domain authority it will help you to increase your search ranking as well as it will increase your domain authority because Google will think that this blog has a great connection with other blogs if you are creating backlinks on high-quality blog which has high domain authority, then Google will think that this domain has a good contact, which is backlink Also, if the topic is relevant, niche is relevant, then Google will think that it is quality backlink and not a spam.


This chance of ranking will increase as well as it will increase your domain authority that is why guest post is the best way to increase domain authority So to write a quest post, you have to find some better blogs. And for that, you can use Google to find the best blogs. Just search your topic in Google, and you will find multiple blogs there. Now, the next part is You have to contact the blog owner and ask for the guest post. Most blog owners allow this, but first, they check your blog. I mean, they check your samples and they will check your post as well, and then they will approve your post And in return, they will allow you to add one backlink in the post So this is beneficial for both guest post blog owner as well as for you So it is a not bad to do this So you should try it also. You will get some traffic from that particular blog. So this is not bad at all. Anyway, good bye Now Faiz Makrani signing off.

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"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking." -Steve Jobs

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