How to choose perfect domain for your blog


When it comes to domains, you have to be careful because once you generate a domain you enter the name of the domain, and purchase that domain, then it will stay forever until you run that particular blog or website So that is why you have to focus on your domain. Now people make mistakes when they purchase domains They avoid finding a better domain for them That is why I want to share the information regarding this.

Let’s say I am creating a website regarding pet food And I am registering a domain with the name this is just a random domain name And people like to select this type of user name like,, etc. There are many examples like this some people choose their lucky numbers for their domain and use their name like my name is Faiz Makrani, so I chose However, this is not good I am not creating my personal blog, but my niche is pet food. So I should choose a domain name that is related to pet food.

Now let’s talk about the Micro niche Blog. If you don’t know Micro niche blog, then it is created for a specific topic Like if you are creating a blog on a technology topic, then it is not called Micron niche. But if you are selecting any product that is technologically advanced and which comes in the technology category you are creating the particular blog for that particular product. So in this case, this is called a micro niche blog. I am going to give you an example of this

So there is a drone, I can create a website regarding drones And the domain would be or something regarding a drone I am going to share posts only on the drone topic And I target traffic on drone-related keywords So this is a perfect micro niche blog And now it is clear that what is a micro niche blog. So now, if you are choosing a domain for a micro niche blog, then you have to focus on your product.

I want to give another example So there is a laptop and you want to create a blog regarding the laptop Then you have to choose the domain according to it. The means will be relevant to laptops And the post that you are sharing should be laptop-related this is also called a micro niche blog. And this is how you can choose a domain name for the micro niche blog.


So when it comes to choosing a domain first you have to identify your niche, and then you have to choose your username and try to keep your domain name short and sweet so that people can remember your domain name in the future this will help you to generate more traffic on your blog. So if you want to choose a domain name, there are many domain websites available. Yesterday, I shared a post regarding hosting providers. So also check that post. In that post, there is a Godaddy, which also provides a domain for the users. So you can use GoDaddy to buy domains But one thing you have to be careful about buying popular domain names so that it will target an international audience if you choose .pk then it targets Pakistan So this way you have to choose a domain. However, it is not bad to choose it. This type of domain But if you want an international audience that can relate to your domain, then you should choose dot com domain or any other international domain So I hope you understand the information please share this post. Now Faiz Makrani signing off.

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"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking." -Steve Jobs

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