"The world would be a better place if I was in charge!"

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So I was scrolling through my Twitter account when I noticed something mildly disturbing. Apparently a tag dubbed: #LifeWithoutMenWouldBe was trending. Tens of thousands of Tweets all with this tag today.


Of course this is really all par for the course when it comes to the authoritarian left. Cancel culture, ends justify the means, I know what's better for you than you do. As an extreme-left libertarian: this of course makes me throw up in my mouth a little.

The shear audacity that these people think the world would be a better place if they were in charge is downright flabbergasting. Stop talking: you aren't special, and the world would be just as shit if you were in charge. Get over yourself.

I'm sick of hearing 'bout the have's and have-not's
Have some personal accountability
The biggest problem with the way that we've been doing things is
The more we let you have, the less that I'll be keeping for me

Don't try to tell me that some power can corrupt a person
You haven't had enough to know what it's like
You're only angry 'cause you wish you were in my position
Now nod your head because you know that I'm right, all right!


This magical thinking that the world would somehow be better if a different group was in charge is rooted in a fantasy land born of frustration and living under constant attack from the status quo. Doesn't matter who's doing the talking: women, LBGTQ, or citizens with a darker skin color. They all spew the same bullshit: "If I was in charge things would be better." Sure I guess that's true if you just speculate blindly without paying attention to how the world actually works.

This is quite possibly the best explanation possible on the topic of such things as "absolute power corrupts absolutely". Anyone who thinks they are somehow immune to this corruption is either delusional, or guaranteed to get assassinated once they come into power, simple as that: we've seen it happen dozens of times throughout the ages. Champions of the people are not allowed to draw breath for long.

As always this all circles back to crypto. My friends are always telling me shit like, "Well it's not a silver bullet! Crypto can't solve everything!" Wrong again. It totally can. That's the entire point.

All of these issues of corruption result from fallible humans falling back to trialist behaviors after they gain access to new levers of power. Let's be honest: it's hard to care about a million people, let alone 7 billion. I'm never going to even meet a million people. I'm never going to be friends with more than a thousand people. This is why humanity doesn't scale: we were originally designed for smaller groups. Thus, tribalism was born and the infinite competition between these small groups.

Corporations tried to fix the issue: they really did. In fact corporations got closer to fixing it than any other system. However, as we see all to often, the business gets too big and the apathy sets in. We fall back to nepotism and giving those closest to us favors that they don't deserve to maintain our power positions.

The ONLY solution to fixing these problems is for NO ONE to be in charge. It really is that simple. Before Bitcoin, this was largely impossible. But now with blockchain technology we can automate governance, regulation, and reputation directly into these protocols.

This is a prospect that should be respected and pursued with righteous vigor, but once again we see the greed kick in. Most people in crypto are just here for ROI; not to fix the world. To be fair, most do not realize what crypto can actually do for the world (in a very short period of time, no less).

Crypto is x1000 times more important than the Internet itself, and we all saw what happened there. Crypto is the ultimate upgrade to the Internet for decentralized communications, whether those communications be verbal or value/reputation based (money), and like children we treat it like some toy that's fun to play with. Embarrassing.


Just like the authoritarian right was emboldened by a Trump presidency, now we see that the authoritarian left is popping up and spewing their bullshit. We really should be calling this stuff out constantly, because it's toxic as hell and only serves to divide the sectors capable of conquering the status quo should they band together. I suppose that's the entire point: keep the clans divided so they can be controlled easily.

Next time we tell ourselves that politicians are incompetent we would do well to remember that they are actually masters of their craft who have ascended to the highest levels of perceived authority. It's a shame they don't actually work for us. Shoot, I guess we'll just have to vote the bums out and find someone better! Yeah! That'll work!

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