Ohio Train Derailment


This is a story that deserves a lot more attention than it's being given.

I mentioned it briefly in my conspiracy post but that was under the context of the Apocalypse is real and the government is trying to kill us all. That is obviously (or not so obviously) not what's going down here, and it deserves a bit more respect and actual research than that.

Of course by 'actual research' I mean compiling some 'evidence' from social medias like Twitter and TikTok and reading one or two MSM articles on it. It's not like I'm a journalist or a chemist. I'm an overpaid amateur blogger. Crypto is generous like that.


On with the show!

So I guess I'll begin with the first thing I saw about it, which was this random 4chan post or whatever. This is obviously a bold claim, and there is actually a lot of truth to it, but we have to do a lot more research to figure out what is accurate and what is alarmism.

So I decided to go the opposite way and see what MSM is saying about it.



AP is a well respected institution, but if you believe the shill that it is the most trusted source of information... then you basically haven't been paying attention at all. Still, let's see what they have to say.

Crews released toxic chemicals into the air from five derailed tanker cars that were in danger of exploding Monday and began burning it after warning residents near the Ohio-Pennsylvania state line to leave immediately or face the possibility of death.

The slow release of vinyl chloride from five rail cars into a trough that was then ignited created a large plume above the village of East Palestine but authorities said they were closely monitoring the air quality.

So right off the bat...

We see that a lot of these facts are not being contested. It is reasonable to assume (when all parties agree) that these events did indeed occur in the way they were represented by MSM when those events are even being corroborated by so-called conspiracy theorists.

Officials warned the controlled burn would send phosgene and hydrogen chloride into the air. Phosgene is a highly toxic gas that can cause vomiting and breathing trouble and was used as a weapon in World War I.


The process involves using a small charge to blow a hole in the cars, allowing the material to go into a trench and burning it off before it’s released in the air, he said. The crews handling the controlled release have done this safely before, Deutsch said.

So we can see that explosives were in fact used and they did "blow it up" but not to the extent that conspiracy theorists are claiming. The explosives were used as a tool to create a controlled demolition environment that made this chemical easier to burn in a trench they built for this purpose.

Forced evacuations began Sunday night in East Palestine after authorities became alarmed that the rail cars could explode after a “drastic temperature change” was observed in a rail car.

Rock vs Hard Place?

So what's being claimed by MSM is that burning this stuff was much smarter than not. Is this actually true? More research is required.

Five were transporting vinyl chloride, which is used to make the polyvinyl chloride hard plastic resin in plastic products and is associated with increased risk of liver cancer and other cancers, according to the federal government’s National Cancer Institute

It's reasonable to assume that a lot of people in Ohio and Pennsylvania are going to get liver cancer depending on how badly this incident was botched. The more of this chemical they were able to burn, the better, and I'll have to explain later why I know this to be the case.

Federal investigators say the cause of the derailment was a mechanical issue with a rail car axle.

More on this later...

Mayor Trent Conaway, who declared a state of emergency in the village, said one person was arrested for going around barricades right up to the crash. He warned people to stay away and said they’d risk arrest.

Is this the journalist that got arrested?
Very shady if they left that bit out.



This report was issued an hour ago and I haven't read it yet... so let's go over it together. The New York Times is also a "trusted institution".

On Feb. 3, a train derailed in the village of East Palestine, setting off evacuation orders, a toxic chemical scare and a federal investigation.

It is important to know exactly when this happened, especially considering the government is being accused of "blowing up" the tankers and creating a disaster on purpose. Looks like they were sitting around for quite some time before drastic measures were taken.

On Feb. 12, the E.P.A., after monitoring the air, said it had not detected contaminants at “levels of concern” in and around East Palestine, although residents might still smell odors.

Yeah reports are that it smells like a pool at a hotel.
Not... great.

had not detected vinyl chloride or hydrogen chloride, which could cause life-threatening respiratory issues.

So it's being reported that the really bad chemicals have been burned off.

Fearing an explosion, the authorities performed a controlled release of the toxic materials from five train car tankers on Feb. 6, and the contents were diverted to a trench and burned off.

Mostly this article repeats the same story even though it comes 8 day later.

The West Virginia subsidiary of American Water, which provides water services in 24 states, said on Feb. 12 that it had not detected any changes in the water at its Ohio River intake site.

Residents of the area have complained of headaches and feeling sick since the derailment.

Ten days after the derailment, Senator J.D. Vance, Republican of Ohio, said in a statement on Twitter that it was a “complex environmental disaster” that would require long-term study.

Certainly they conclude with the most honest statement possible.


Onto Twitter/TikTok testimonials

This is a very good thread about what's going on.

It explains a lot of the flaws that result from capitalism and sacrificing security and safety for more profits, in addition to a bunch of other stuff. From this it looks like the air pollution isn't the problem, which is interesting because this is the thing that most people are alarmist amount (because it can be seen with the naked eye). If fact most of the evidence points to the idea that it would have been great if they burned it all (which they did not).

This is just more conspiracy theorist sentiment that doesn't add a ton of value. "The government is killing you," and such. However I chose to add it because I happen to live right outside that scary red radius on the east border of PA. Pretty crazy to think that I just moved here a year ago from California.

I actually am slightly worried about eating food exported from Ohio at this point. Still unclear if this fear is irrational or not, but I get the feeling we're going to find out one to five years down the line. Many are calling this a Chernobyl-level event, which again is a huge exaggeration. Obviously these chemicals are not as bad as a full on nuclear meltdown, but it is still pretty bad.

And then this is a Twitter link but it forwards to a TikTok video. I guess TikTok is good for something after all because the insight that this guy has to offer is better than all the other information I've found put together and then some. I'm also told he's done like 20 videos on the subject but I've only seen three so far. Basically he fills in all the holes that were left from the previous bits of data we found.



Vinyl Chloride boils at 8 degrees Fahrenheit

OSHA permissible safety limit is 1 part per million per 8 hours.

The five train cars carried about a million pounds total.

Many byproducts of burning it: one is hydrogen chloride.

Hydrogen chloride is extremely volatile and bonds to other molecules creating new molecules.

When it bonds to water vapor it creates hydrochloric acid.

So we can already see that burning it was the correct call.

If the permissible limit of vinyl chloride is 1 part per million over a single shift... holy hell that's the last thing you want leaking into the ground and into the air and water supply. As crazy as it sounds creating acid is WAY better than that. Again the sketchy part is that none of the MSM goes into any of this and they just regurgitate the message they are told. Nick Drom goes into this at the end of the video quite aptly:

The responsible party, in this case Norfolk Southern Railway, always plays down the reality of the situation.

Politicians also just repeat the same lines.

... and then news outlets just repeat the same so all we're hearing is the responsible party's word.

This is why we can trust Nick Drom from Tiktok (lol) more than any other source that I've found thus far. Why? Because he approaches it from a scientific standpoint and doesn't let his emotions get in the way. He's not speculating about anything and he knows his shit. He also understands capitalism and even explicitly explains why we are getting watered down information from all the "trustworthy sources".

Because the "trustworthy sources" are actually just getting their information from the corporation who is legally responsible and nobody wants to make waves. Even "environmentalists" are silent, which republicans have been quick to point out the hypocrisy when it's not emanating from their side of the political isle.

@nickdrom on TikTok:

Why are you hearing about this from me?
Why are we hearing about these other chemicals for the first time?
Why did the rail company build over the burn trench?
Why are air quality reports being submitted but not water?

This post is already running long so I may have to do another post later after watching and taking notes on all the Nick Drom videos on this subject, as clearly the quality of information he is providing is top notch compared to all other sources I can find thus far.

So earlier today "buttplug" was trending and wouldn't you know it that's exactly on topic for this post. Because Pete Buttigieg (lovingly referred to as "Buttplug" by republicans) happens to be the transportation secretary, and he's got plenty to say about diversity in the workplace and nothing to say about this devastating train wreck. Fun timeline we got here.


Fuck this where's my conspiracy crack?

Okay junkie don't worry I got something here just for you:

Would you believe me if told you there was a 2022 summer movie called White Noise starring Adam Driver about a train full of toxic chemicals derailing in Ohio?



Obviously this is predictive programming, we are living in a simulation and the Apocalypse has started (been going a while now). You will be tested, mortal. The battle between good vs evil rages on. Choose your side wisely.


Happy Valentine's Day

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