Conspiracy Hour: Hurricane, but you can call me Sluricane.


Strong enough to start an engine, mang.

So yeah hurricane Helene has pretty much rampaged several states, most notably North Carolina. Unsurprisingly the FEMA response has been abysmal as per usual. The right is saying democrats spent all the disaster funds on importing undocumented folks into the states... presumably to allow these people to illegally vote democrat? That's a narrative that I hear a lot over there on crypto twitter amongst the religious-right and libertarians.

And now reports of the hurricane have gotten even more spicy with conspiracy theorists moving in and claiming that this horrific event is actually a black-flag attack on the American people. While the hurricane itself may have been natural, these people are claiming that the clouds were seeded with chemicals to intensify the storm while also being able to somewhat direct where it would go.


This 'crazy' narrative is easy for some people to believe for a couple of different reasons:

  • Many still think that climate change is a complete hoax fabricated by the left to increase carbon taxes, impose regulations, and seize control in various other ways. With this 'fact' in mind there must be another reason for this type of environmental escalation. Back in olden days the reason would be due to "God working in mysterious ways" but humans have become so powerful since then that we can simply blame the most powerful among us now.

  • The FEMA response has been so abysmal that people need a reason for why they are so purposefully incompetent to the point of preventing citizens from helping in the rescue effort. The reason is that there is a financial incentive to purposefully cause this suffering.

  • Apparently there is a huge lithium and quartz deposit and conspiracy theorists are claiming the government will claim imminent domain to start mining these resources for sustainable energy or whatever. It's being pointed out that the primary owners of these deposits are Blackrock and other institutions considered to be objectively evil.

  • With billions of dollars going to foreign nations in the form of "defense" contracts many are framing the situation as USA having infinite resources to go to other countries but only $750 for Americans that just lost everything. On top of this entire towns have been lost and are being bulldozed, with apparently no one caring about collecting all the corpses and giving them proper burials.

My timeline yesterday was just filled with outrage.

This is one of the less unhinged more reasonable explanations of why FEMA responses are such dogshit and the people in charge refuse to collaborate with local communities. Bureaucrats don't care about results; they care about procedure and doing things by the book so that all those tax dollars flow into the "correct" areas.

This was the main event that sparked the most outrage.

A helicopter piolet was told to abandon his own son on the mountain after rescuing one person. He had plans to rescue everyone but had to do it one at a time due to weight concerns. The fire marshal in charge, Chris Melton, threatened him with imprisonment if he didn't leave the area immediately. The next day these private helo pilots were begged to come back and help with rescue operations. The blowback from this blowhard has been nothing short of visceral.


More reports are making claims that the government is constantly trying to steal the resources from private citizens trying to help. Whether this action is justified or not remains to be seen, but I'm guessing not.

Onto the conspiracy posts

Do I think it's worth seeding a hurricane because of a $90M contract?
No, no I do not.
This is reaching but still interesting and worth following up on next year.
After all when conspiracy theories like this are real they tend to get confirmed over time.


Blue jelly balls raining from the sky is some pretty weird shit.
Was this hurricane seeded and manipulated with artificial chemicals that don't biodegrade?


Here's one showing a corkscrew spiral energy pattern being pumped into the center of the storm.
Can this be believed?
Ah well it is the Internet after all.
There are no good sources of information; least of all "experts".

Yeah I'm not like a hurricane expert or anything but this one looks extremely weird compared to all the others I've seen. Again, much easier to believe when climate volatility isn't real.

I have no idea wtf this is.

Manipulating the path with frequency repellant?
Yeah I'll have to look into that more one of these days I guess.


Well if election season in a battleground state wasn't crazy enough this hurricane is becoming a real wildcard. The current administration looks absolutely incompetent once again, not that I think the other team would handle things any better. Nothing stops this train. Imperialism will continue unabated.

Is there a legitimate conspiracy here? Personally I don't think the stakes are high enough to justify wiping out a couple states for some lithium right before an election, but who knows. It should be obvious that not every natural disaster is a man-made event, but it seems like every natural disaster for the past few years has been labeled as such by conspiracy theorists. Then again they only have to be right one out of ten times to have an unacceptably high win-rate.

Stay safe out there.

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