Do it long enough


I worked out for 2 hours every day and also did a 30-minute boxing session after my workout. Despite this rigorous routine, I managed to carry on with my daily life without burning out. In the gym, I noticed people trying to copy my workout routine, especially those who had just joined and were highly motivated. A friend of mine was so impressed with my physique that he decided to emulate my routine. Despite my advice to take it slow and not overdo it, he insisted on following my exact routine. Now, after paying for a 4-month gym membership, he has stopped going altogether. It's a reminder of the importance of pacing oneself and not expecting instant results when it comes to fitness.

People are motivated for different reasons and my friend was motivated by my success in the gym and wanted to follow the same path but failed to take it slow. He let his emotions push him to think he could get six packs by working out extremely hard and also failed to listen to my advice. Men with so much ego believe telling them not to work out in the gym excessively means you are calling them lazy or you don’t want them to be like you but what you are simply doing is trying to get them to rhyme and build what they can do for a longterm and not what they will do for a short period and won’t be able to keep up because it was too much for them at first.

Slow is not bad

When most people are motivated for success they create so many realities in their heads that make them want to achieve success quickly and set a pace for themselves that may not be able to keep up with, just like my friend who wants to achieve what I spent over two years on in few months but we fail to understand is that we are all humans and sometimes we ask ourselves too much and when reality set in we give it up and never go back again because we set ourselves up for failure but instead of following this method which has killed many dreams we can choose a better one by easing in, instead of us trying to do everything at once we can slowly build we can do for a longterm.

When it comes to success we must focus on the long-term, we must focus on things we can do over and over again without giving up. If my friend had built his routine around something he could do every day without breaking down he would still be going to the gym, emotion takes over people when it comes to success, and want to do everything very fast and they have forgotten that when you take it slow and steady is not bad, just build something you can do consistently for a long period and you will be shocked by the result. building a routine that will not be too much for your body and mind is important, always plan long-term.

Don’t make that mistake.

No matter how good your approach to success is if you can’t maintain it for a long time you might not do it long enough to see the results, the main reason why some people fail in one field and some people excel is that some people do it long enough to see while some people quite early and this as a result of having a bad plan and setting themselves to fail. We must not be deceived to have instant results because long-lasting results are built slowly.

Thanks for your time.

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