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Hello to everyone present on the hive platform and also in this wonderful community, hope we are all in good condition. Today I will be giving us some insight into a particular aspect of business and finance. so today I want to share more light on a specific aspect which I called "Consistency In Business". this is the major criteria that all business and company owners are expected to display. it is quite awful that today a lot of businesses are lacking behind not because of funds in particular but because they lack consistency in their activities. little wonder many small-scale entrepreneurs end up shutting down their businesses and going in search of jobs all around, do not get me wrong here, what I am trying to say is that without consistency a business or company can never function as expected.

We have many entrepreneurs today who want to make money and profit in no time but do not want to follow the process of consistency not knowing fully well that without following the due process one is liable to breakdown along the way in his business pursuit. allow me to explain this aspect to you vividly, citing myself as an example in the article, this is indeed a real story and I hope you learn from it as though no one is an island of knowledge.




Now let us see what consistency is all about in general terms. Consistency can be seen as a reoccurring process of doing a particular thing regularly. this is to say if I don't know how to solve mathematics and I want to be successful in mathematics the process whereby I practice every day just to know how to solve mathematics is called consistency.

Note, from the example above, consistency works side by side with willingness, if I am not willing to learn mathematics then I can never be consistent in practicing how to solve mathematics. so consistency is the willingness alongside the practice of doing a particular thing regularly. stay with me, this is just an example to explain the word consistency. okay, let's hit the road together on this one.




We have just seen the meaning of consistency in a general term, now consistency in business can be seen as the ability of a business or company owner to continually participate in the daily activities of his/her business regularly without ceasing. if we could recall, I made mention of willingness when it comes to the general term in explaining consistency but in business, the willingness is ever-present but the consistency may be lacking, the reason why I said that is because every entrepreneur is willing to make profits and be successful in his/her business but the problem here is the process which is consistency.

Consistency is the primary bedrock that determines the well-being of a business. when a business or company lacks consistency in its activities there are tendencies that that business or company in question might not get customers to patronize them. until customers who are responsible for patronizing you see the act of consistency in the activities of your business, they won't often come to get items from your store.

Consistency expands the audience of your business. it came to a point that I was about to give up on my business because I was seeing nobody coming to get items from my store but with the zeal and willingness for growth, I maintained the level of consistency, I began to come earlier to my store than I was before. along the line, people started coming to get items from my store.

Most entrepreneurs lack this quality, for the fact that you just started a business does not automatically grant you access to success not at all, you have to work for it, that is why it is called business procedure. It is a process that one is expected to take note of and follow its path if one is willing to succeed. to some point, many people will come to my shop just to inquire about the price of the item they wish to buy and zoom off but that never stopped me from coming out early, nor stopped me from being consistent it increased my morale to come to the store earlier. so as a business-minded individual you need to be consistent in other to make your business grow.




It is very important to maintain the process called consistency in your business as though it matters a lot, it determines the growth of the business, and also it passes information to your customers.


Without consistency, there will be no focus. although one might know the reason why he/she has established the business and the general idea is to make money, consistency helps one to be focused and maintain a particular position without drifting away from the initial plan of the business. is a thing to establish a business and it is another thing to stay focused while running such a business, so consistency act as the catalyst that speeds up the rate of being focused in your business as the case may be


As an entrepreneur, I said earlier the main purpose or aim of an entrepreneur is to be successful. without consistency this success can never be achieved, it takes processes to be successful in your business and one major key to success is consistency. when people come to your store and do not see you there, that particular act drives their attention elsewhere. one can equally lose a lot of customers if consistency is lacking behind. so if you want to attain success in your business be consistent in your business activities.


Consistency is a factor, many expectations are in line with consistency. if you are not consistent in all you do, your expectations will only remain that way until you have proven to work towards it by being consistent. just like the example I gave earlier, if I wish to know how to solve mathematics, I should be consistent in practicing it regularly. so if I being a businessman wish to open another business for myself, I need to be consistent in working towards it, if I am to pay my rent by month-end, I need to be consistent in sourcing a way out. so consistency brings your expectations closer to you.


Always know that your achievements stop just at the spot where your consistency stops. always make sure not to decrease the momentum of your consistency because it tends to reduce your achievement. in other to continue in the pace of getting to more height do not reduce or stop being consistent. keep the movement going in other to maintain and acquire more achievements.




Consistency is just just a key factor but the main factor to every business that has chosen to be successful in all aspects. consistency in your business activities is very relevant and can not be played with. when you show great attributes of consistency your customers are also pleased to see the fact that your business is taking another level. when your business remains the same five years from now then you should work on your consistency towards your business. remember businesses do not run themselves, we run our various businesses. it is expected to be consistent in all we do as though it is the major key to getting our business to the next level.

Thank you for taking your precious time to read this content of mine, I hope it has benefited you in any way.

Note; All images were taken with my Samsung Galaxy S9 camera, thank you.

I remain @donsolexy

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