

The people and things around you matter. As humans, we either grow stronger or weaker depending on the surrounding situation and how we give in to them anyway. Nevertheless, it is always no easy situation when it seems all or most are bringing in negative feelings. Humans show concerns about their health situations. You have to admit, when unhealthiness is triggered, a lot is already at stake. When talking of health we have to span across several sectors; finance, physical health, mental, spiritual, emotions and whatever. Many relationship have been deterred in the process. When looking at why thinks fall apart, you can wrongly judge when you are on the outside.

We are shaped by experience and I must admit I don't like toxic people. Who does? No one I guess. It's one of the necessary question I have to raise about myself if actually I am toxic to someone else or the environment. I have to check my way of life, how do I influence people? Does my presence cause problems or brings solution? Maybe you should ask yourself same question. Nevertheless, we have to put into consideration that they are people that will not like your positive influence. If people frown against your always doing and being positive, then you've done absolutely nothing wrong. They are the toxic ones we are even discussing here.

families member, friends, colleagues and work partners can become very toxic atimes. Before going further to one or two aspect inwhich toxicity stems I will discus on how it affects our character. Personally, toxic environment is likely not to get the best of me. There are a lot of things I may withhold in the process. You can't blame me much, come to think of it, what is not done out of pure love is mostly not satisfying. The moment I find myself among people that are mostly on a negative flow, it tends to reduce my vibes. They loose in the process because all I had to offer will not get to them. Kindness, gifts and opportunities have levels. Come to think of what happened with Jesus when he was in his home town. It is recorded he did few miracles there due to their toxicity.

Overdependence is a toxic life

One should not wake up to depend on others on a daily basis. I have had several of such experiences, I mean, there is nothing wrong in helping people out. To me, being a source of help is a privilege and an opportunity. Nevertheless, when I try raising you, you must also be smart in the process. We all have problems or challenges as the case may be, living a parasitic life will not take you anywhere. Many people fail to understand this, maybe they feel those who help them don't actually punch calculators. I remember a day I met one of my mentors where he was withdrawing cash. I have never taken a dime from him, he stretches out some of the money to me that day and I rejected it. What am I saying here? Teach me how to fish, I am not parasitic. He always gives me the needed respect although he is a mentor with confidential words like I have a very bright future.

Many people live a funnel life; things gets poured in and it waste from the other end. Overdependence has destroyed many relationship, it is a very toxic lifestyle. What you can offer goes a very long way. Sustaining a good relationship stems from striving for mutuality. Even at work place, someone close to me always gives out complaints how his colleagues drain him with workload. He doesn't find any satisfaction in that, I mean, they all get paid right? How come he is the jack doing all the liftings. Many don't care and enjoy living this toxic life; it pays the bills, it saves the stress and any other bla bla bla. The truth is that over time, you will loose attention or probably gets replaced. As I earlier said, what affects our health as humans should be properly death with.

Another toxic environment is staying around negative mindset people. Trust me, these are not friends at all. It becomes worse if such is your spouse, maybe the question of how did you guys know each other should be raised here? Or it seems late already. I have seen and heard of men who return home late at night to escape a toxic wife. I mean, what more can kill a man in the middle of his life than working all day and depressingly heading home to face family trauma. Even on the flip side, some men behave so toxic. They choose to waste resources and their time outside leaving their spouse to think and worry all day.

To conclude, let me add, a toxic environment is just a negative energy. We need to access our lives on daily basis to know how well we add to people and even our environments. Being and added burden or a point of disaster to another is never encouraging. One may not be able to give back exactly what was offered yet running a one way traffic life should not be considered. You could safe a life or at laest extend someone lifespan if you opt to improve your way of living.

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