Let’s Make The Right Peoples Find Your Business Online

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When you need to fix a broken pipe at your home, am very sure you think of a plumber nearest and readily available to you.
No one wants the time waste and cost of flying to New York from Maimi to fix a broken pipe in their home.
The same goes when a mechanic, painter, Dentist, lawn mover, and even when the craving for a fresh sushi pizza arises.They are all local businesses. In other words, they are location-specific businesses that serve a particular local area, examples include Welder in Vancouver or Restaurant in Venice. And the list goes on and on.

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But as a business owner, do you want to rely on referrals from word of mouth? No, you shouldn’t.
You should spread your tentacles across and capture a significant customer share in the city.

In this post, put together pieces that will help promote your local business grow brand credibility, and ultimately improve its bottom line.Let’s get to it.

5 Important Ways To Promote Your Local Business Online

These tips are proven basic and simple strategies for any local business to implement.


  1. Local SEO

Some of us are familiar with this, but if you are not it means local search engine optimization, This is the process of optimizing your local business website to be found on search engines like Google and Bing. By the way, as a business, if you don’t have a website I encourage you to get one by checking these simple steps.

Having a website gives you credibility as a business entity (will create a dedicated post on this soon).

Search engines are a powerful tool in today’s marketing landscape, 46% of 8.5 billion searches daily on Google are Local, these are related to finding places, answers, how to solve problems, and searches for businesses offering various products and services.

Utilizing this as a local business gives you a competitive advantage and makes your local business reach potential customers through search.

Local SEO is a giant topic that needs a comprehensive guide which is beyond the context of this post, while we move on this detailed post will help you navigate local SEO like a pro.

  1. Google My Business

This tool from Google aids local business discoverability and is free for all local businesses to leverage. What this tool does is list your business to be found on Google, this includes your business name, services you render, location you serve, contact details, and operational hours.

Google My Business profile is a good fit for businesses to showcase what they do even if they don’t have a website. Your Google business profile can serve as a digital storefront for your local business, people can chat, call, and view your services or product catalog.

Another fantastic feature of Google My Business is the ability to get reviews from satisfied clients which solidifies more trust for potential customers.

Setting up a Google My Business profile for your business is pretty straightforward, check out this guide from Google.

  1. Local Ads

Local ads are a way of exposing your local business online. Unlike SEO, this is a paid option, you pay ads platforms like Google and Facebook to t showcase your business to a targeted local audience that could be interested in your product and services.

The upside of ads is the benefits of promoting a business in a competitive niche where top players have dominated the front page of organic search engine listings, creating steep competition for especially new or not fully grounded brands to thrive.

It is also important to note the downside of ads, your local business loses traction as soon as the ad budget is exhausted, in other words, your business stops showing up to potential customers as soon as your ads budget finishes.

4 Content Marketing

When people hear the word content, the first thing that comes to mind are YouTube videos, Instagram reels, and TikTok videos.

Content marketing is beyond just a few social channels. Content marketing is being intentional, strategic, and active in every area that could boost your business to the limelight.

Think of what happens when you use your recent client as a case study, documenting their challenges and how your business steps in to solve the problem, that’s cool right? Yes, I bet.

People want to see proof and results in action, that’s the greatest marketing assets a brand should have “ How it was, and How we did it”
So, content marketing doesn’t end with writing blog posts, videos, and infographics.

The key is evaluating your marketing strategy and coming up with something that connects your brand and resonates with your local audience.


5 Social Media

As a local business, it’s important to have a solid social media footing that nudges your business to connect with your local audience.

According to statistics, people averagely check their social media 5 to 7 times a day, and a vast percentage of them use social media to search for products and services that interest them.

As a local business it is beneficial to reinforce your social presence and prioritize those that resonate with your business audience and give it your best shot, to choose the right social channel for your business I curated this piece from my favorite social media expert, consider checking it out.

Ultimately, social media plays a pivotal role in creating awareness and showcasing local businesses in a positive light.

Here are proven ways to promote your local business online, it is a good practice to prioritize your marketing needs and options according to your budget and expectations.

There you have it, this should guide you not only to grow your local business but also help boost your business finances.

If you have any tips to add or questions do not hesitate, I will respond as soon as possible.

Thanks for your time on my blog.

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