New BSC Token - $250k Market Cap Potential Gem (Reasoning + AMA Q&As) + Cub Giveaway at the End!

Hey everyone, I'm back today to spread awareness of a very new token I've recently discovered and become involved with!

Very Important Edit:

  • Do not buy - team will no longer be working on this token

This token follows a similar model to SafeMoon, which many have criticized, but simultaneously went up over 700,000 times (yes 70,000,000% increase) from it's launch to peak. That means someone putting in just $1.43 at launch is now a millionaire!

However, many copycat coins have popped up around the place, many have "rug pulled", which means the creator has pulled the liquidity and kept the liquidity funds for themselves, and some lack the technical skills to be any more than just another copy cat.

However, today I want to introduce to you all a potential hidden gem that I believe is much more than just a copy cat, with much more utility than SafeMoon and only $250k market cap at the moment.

Before we continue, just wanted to add the usual disclaimer + some more:

  • Not financial advice, please treat this article as information only
  • I was quite heavily invested in this token from an early stage, but I am only writing about it now that I have gotten to chat privately with the team and read their AMA (Q&As below)
  • This token is very new, thus highly volatile (both up and down)
  • I have chosen a time to post that I believe is a potentially good entry point (dip in price)

Basic Information Regarding the Token

  • Liquidity burned (developers cannot "rug")
  • Developers' address currently holds about 15% of tokens, of which most will be burned and some used for marketing activities
  • Dapps in development which will have a UI on their website
    • To begin with, they will start with a casino and lottery system and most/all profits from Dapps will be used to buyback and burn
  • Concept based off SafeMoon token (which has $3.2 billion market cap now, peaked at $10+ billion)
    • This token has: 10% fee per transaction, 7% locked as liquidity and 3% distributed proportionally across all holders (including the burn address)
  • Token statistics
    • 1,000,000,000,000,000 (1 quadrillion) tokens total
    • 127,000,000,000+ (127+ trillion = 12.7+%) burned as of writing
      • Therefore, 12.7% of the 3% is burned, meaning ~0.38% of each transaction is permanently burned
    • $250,000 market cap as of writing
    • $0.293 per billion as of writing
  • Launched 3-4 days ago
  • Their website


So, What's the Name of this Token??

LAMBO Token!

It might be pretty obvious why I didn't start with the name, as many people (like myself) would just believe it's likely a scam/meme/shitcoin, but hopefully by the end of this article you can make a more educated decision regarding this token and fall in love with it like I have!

Some Live Information

In the time it takes me to write this article, many of the statistics above would likely become outdated, so here are a few live trackers.

  • Price
  • Top holders
  • Burn address balance
  • Instructions on where to buy can be found on their website
    • If Pancake Swap throws you an error when you buy, change the last digit of amount from 0 to 1, for example if you are buying 1000000000, change it to 1000000001, this is a Pancake Swap error

Roadmap, Plans and Dapps

Q2: Their first Dapp will be an on-chain casino accepting their native currency LAMBO at first, but later also accepting BNB, BUSD and others. It will be a fairly simple casino to begin with, but they may expand on it based on community suggestions. I gave this idea to the lead developer only 2-3 days ago and he told me today he had already finished coding it and just working on the website's UI now!

Q2-3: After the on-chain casino, they will implement staking of LAMBO to earn another secondary token which will have its own utility, I assume some sort of utility in their third feature; an NFT marketplace (just speculation).

Q3: There are very little details on their NFT marketplace for now, but it is something on their roadmap for now.


Segment one - host questions

Q1) Can you please introduce yourselves to the community.

A1) I'll start by introducing our Team.

I'm the Creator of the LamboToken. I am also the Main Dev and I make most decisions with my Partners.

I'm a Computer Science Student who has the ambition to create a big Community on Cryptocurrency world.

Me and other 2 developers which are part of the Team started this Project in hopes we added value and security to our investors.

He also have a Marketing Team with 2 experienced Members in Digital Marketing, who adds a lot of Value and great ideas to promote our Project.

Q2) Can you please tell us Lambo Token in detail?
LamboToken is a Liquidity Accumulator which coded a strategy to protect its Holders.

A2) As we set the Liquidity Tax higher than most projects out there on BSC, LamboToken maintains more Money Flow than almost anything you can think of.

Imagine a person invests on LAMBO and sells his Token's 1 day after. From that investment, older LamboToken Holders take from this person's movement 6% of it to their Wallets automatically and 14% gets locked into our LAMBO Pool.

The other important part about LamboToken is our Marketing Team. In our view, Cryptocurrency lacks on clear transparency, visibility and sometimes professionalism. We want to be as clear as possible that we won't steal, rug or be malicious to our Community in any way.

Locking and Burning funds is something that Holders ask a lot regarding new Projects.

We chose not to burn any tokens at the start, since mathematically it doesn't make any sense besides tricking our investors.
If you take at day 0 tokens out of Circulation, it's like that Supply never existed, because it never reached Circulation.

We've locked our Liquidity, burned 13% of the Total Supply and we intend to burn the rest we have.

Our goal with our new features, which we will share on our RoadMap, will take LamboToken's out of Circulation with new techniques we are implementing.

Q3) Please tell us the biggest milestone you have ever achieved and also your future milestone?

A3) In these last 2 days we've gathered more than 2000 people to be a part of our Community on Twitter and convinced near 1000 investors to put their money into our Token.

Right now, our Telegram has been very active, where normal members answer and help each other whenever they can.

We've hit over 600.000$ Market Cap in less than 48 hours even without our Unique Features that will be out soon. I consider that extraordinary.

Q4) Please give us a sneak peak of your Roadmap?

A4) Our Roadmap will announce a new feature which will be out in Q2 2021.

Even though we are still testing our new feature and will ask for an audit before releasing it, we might see this new feature very soon.

All we can say is it is a DApp built in our Website were LamboToken will be used as the Main Currency.

Edit: roadmap is not out here

Q5) What makes Lambo Token better than its competitors?

A5) Considering our Transparency and Effort to our Project, I'd say that LamboToken is much more convincing than most projects out there.

LamboToken is not the normal Pump and Dump coin. It has just started and its Life Span will NOT be short.

We're actually coding for new features and developing an ecosytem for LamboToken so in the near future LamboToken will increase its value and utility everyday.

Segment two - Twitter questions

First Question from Twitter
Security and reliability are the factors that are most concerned by users in the blockchain system. Where is project transparency reflected?

I totally agree with you.

Every time someone from our Community asks a question regarding Liquidity, Wallet movements or Burning we're always available to answer to them openly.

Right now 100% of the Liquidity is Locked. This Liquidity that we burned to unnaccessible addresses has right now over 50.000$.

We also have a Team's Wallet, which is the Deployers and we burned 13% of Total Supply already.

Ask you can see in BSCscan, the only movements we did was to pay Giveaways or Meme Contests.

Second Question from Twitter
We've had serious issues with rug pulls from tokens lately and honestly, it's nothing to laugh home about. My first question is, how secure are our funds with you? Are our investments safe?

First step that we took was renounced the ownership of the token, so that holders can be confident about holding the LamboToken without being scared of any rug, as you can see in the bscscan below.

The only reason we would ever sell LamboTokens would be to pay people like BitBoyCrypto to promote our Project.

What I mean by this is, when we actually sell a portion of LamboTokens, the price will go up again since our decision will bring more Investors to make the price grow even more.

We try to be transparent and answers your concerns 24 hours a day on our telegram group channel.

Third Question from Twitter
Do you agree that the power of the community will drive your project to global growth? What are your strategies for building a large and strong community?

Our beliefs are Community is everything around a project.

We can use Apple as an example. Apple company has such a big Community around it that they have success in basically everything they launch.

In my point of view, it's because it never failed its Community and even if it did, they would acknowledge the mistake and help their users.

I want this in our Community and me and my Team will always do what we can so this is a reality for the entire Life Span of LamboToken.

Fourth Question From Twitter
How do plan to spread awareness about your project in different countries where English is not spoken well? Do you have local communities for them to let them better understand about your project?

We intend to reach worldwide adoption, so we already started to hire native language speakers beside English, to promote and create telegram group / support channels in other languages to help the adoption, clarify questions and have local communities involved in the project.

We already have a dedicated Japanese telegram (RealLamboToken_JP) group working right now + a big filipino community as well.
That's just the first small steps we are taking.

Fifth Question from Twitter

Do you have mechanisms such as buyback and burning to regulate the demand and supply of $LAMBO , so as to increase its intrinsic monetary values?

As I said above, we have a wallet used exclusively to burn supply or to pay Giveaways on our Twitter. It started with 20% of the total supply available and now has just 13%, which will be burned as we reach certain Market Cap value milestones.

We also agreed with our Top Wallet Owner to burn 30% of his funds (which he bought with his own money) since the percentage of his holding was very high and it started to get concerning for some of our Holders.

Buybacks will also happen with the Implementation of our DApps, more information about it will be in the Roadmap.

Third Segment - top 5 live questions

Question 1
1)Where can I buy #LAMBO TOKEN? And how much is 1 #LAMBO TOKEN currently worth?

2)what benefit do I get for holding your Token?

Answer 1
LamboToken is now Available on Pancakeswap V2. The price of each token is $0.0000000002 and we might see a huge upside from this price.

The benefits is while you hold LamboToken, less and less tokens exist in Circulation and you'll simultaneously get more tokens every time someone buys or sells.

Question 2
Can you list 1-3 killer features of Your Project that makes it ahead of its competitors? What is the competitive advantage your platform has that you feel most confident about?

Answer 2
As we talked, DApps are being developed.

Our new DApp which will be available soon will attract many investors to stay in our Website and use LamboToken or BNB to use its functionality.

I can mention too that a NFT Marketplace, which is being now developed by one of our team members will attract many investors since it introduces LamboToken to a whole new ecosystem.

Question 3
A countless numbers of DeFi project are vulnerable to bugs and hacking. Which could cost investors or stakers a lot. How frequent do you audit your smart contracts. Any external agent involved.

Answer 3
Not only we will always Audit our code, we test it.

We're 3 devs right now and we all respect one methodology - Unit Testing

This doesn't only protect us from bugs or exploits, we code and test simultaneously.

This basically gives LamboToken 2 layers of protection, good coding by testing everything and Audit.

Question 4
Where did you get the inspiration for this unique project idea? And what influence will we have on the crypto industry due to the project?

Answer 4
My goal is to add something to this wolrd. I've been in Cryptocurrency for many years and only decided to launch my own Project because first I needed the knowledge.

The knowledge for your funds to be safe.

I myself have been scammed, rugged and robbed in this world.
I know you've suffered from this too.

Everyone suffers from this and I want you to know that with me your funds are safe and secure.

Question 5
do you intend to reach a wide customers range of targeted investors,crypto natives and enthusiast for global mass ADOPTION?what are your marketing strategies even to none speaking english communities? And locals

Answer 5
We are already making specialized groups and support for certain communities.

We're European and we don't speak any Asian Language, so we have created a Japanese Group and we intend to create more so LamboToken is known World Wide.

Marketing Ads have started and they will start very soon targeting users that are already in Crypto mostly.

Cubs Giveaway - up to 10 to give out! image.png

If you've made it all the way down to here, then you deserve a chance to win some Cubs!

Up to 10 Cubs to be given away!

Note: Cub is the native coin of CubDefi, a leading competitor in yield farming and each Cub is currently worth $2.704 EACH, please visit their website to find out more!

Giveaway Instructions

  • You must comment your BSC wallet address below
  • You must hold 9 billion LAMBO at the time of post payout (1 billion = $0.293 at the time of writing)
    have a cumulative trading volume of 100 billion LAMBO between now and post payout
    • Don't forget each buy and sell has a 10% transaction fee, so you will need to buy 10 billion to hold 9 billion
  • If you are new to Leo Finance from this post, please let us know you are new!
  • Only comments prior to post payout will qualify

Price Structure

  • Minimum cub prize: 5 Cubs
  • +1 cub if we hit 10 entries
  • +1 cub if we get at least 2 new users
  • +1 cub if the price is above $1/billion at the time of payout
  • +2 cub if the total market cap is above $2.5 million at the time of payout (x10)

How the winner will be chosen

  • I will burn 1 LAMBO token, the last two digits of that transaction ID will be converted from base 16 to base 10, then I will take the modulo of how many entries there were of that number, and the winner will be that comment (starting at 0 for the first comment)
  • For those that aren't sure what all that means, just know it means I cannot tamper with the results at all and it can be verified on the BSC network

How to buy:

  1. Go to Pancake Swap, ensure you are on V2
  2. Add the token address: 0x7b2124de75c7dc1ef61ee666b6b5e9d8506105e5
  3. Change the slippage (maximum acceptable variance in minimum received) to at least 11% (I normally do 15% - this has zero impact on how much you actually receive, it just may fail if too low, especially during high volatility).
  4. Change the last digit from "0" to "1" - your transaction may fail if this is not done, this is a Pancake Swap bug and unfortunately, the LAMBO team cannot fix this

Personal Thoughts

As mentioned earlier, this coin is extremely new and volatile, thus invest with steady hands and never put in more than you are willing to lose! That being said, I truly believe in this token and the team appear to be highly professional and competent so against my word of putting in what you are willing to lose, I have a considerable amount of stake in this project.

Please feel free to comment any questions or concerns you may have and I will reply as soon as possible

  • For immediate assistance, please join their Telegram
    • You should join their Telegram anyway :)
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