Skeletons In The Closet


No matter how smart you think you are if you have done something wrong and have made enemies it will always come out eventually.

You would think if someone had a dodgy past then they would behave themselves with the hope that nothing is revealed. The problem in anything you do is that there are always witnesses and lose lips sink ships.

A good example of this having a checkered past interfering with you future is those individuals that will be revealed on the Epstein and Diddy lists. Obviously it is in their best interest that the Democrats win this upcoming election because this may be the only way of saving them from being exposed. We have already seen what this Government is capable of and I would put nothing past them.

In business if you are in a role of power that can affect others lives good or bad if you have not been ethical it will come back and bite you. You may think you have won and are untouchable, but the more rope you have been given will be the end of you.

Many years ago there was some really dodgy deals going down with buyers representing one of the biggest household names in retail. They had a policy that no one could even buy them a coffee because that was seen as accepting a gift. Myself I see that as petty and awkward especially if you are meeting discussing something and once done have to ask for separate bills.

The problem was it never quite ended at coffees as like I said loose lips sink ships and a string of buyers were sacked. One received a motor vehicle which could not be accounted for in his lifestyle audit and was fired immediately. Surprisingly the suppler who had given the car as a gift was not affected ,but this was down to him having a family member higher up in this particular company who protected him.

There were many others that I knew of who were dirty and when one of the good guys was set up by other dirty buyers I jumped in to testify in his defence. He was subsequently let go, but the dirty buyers who had created this wrong doing now had a target on their back. I was the only one who came forward which made me an enemy of those who were trying to manipulate his firing. At the time I had no idea his junior training underneath him was the one trying to replace him which he did.

Fast forward 14 years or so and only in the last week the bad eggs are now finally in the spotlight. The supplier along with a few other suppliers plus the buyers have been called in and suspended with immediate effect. Their downfall was they had created so many enemies along the way that the information others had on them was damning. I have raised this similar story a few months back which was a prelude of what was to come as I knew the wheels were already in motion and has involved dozens of people. Imagine having upset so many people through being crooked and thinking this would end well?

I knew of overseas sporting trips (Qatar World Cup), Golf Cub memberships, money and other gifts they had received so a coffee somehow seems irrelevant when you start to compare. I cannot reveal anymore just yet as this is still ongoing and will reveal more once it has been concluded.

What this has done is open up for other suppliers who had been shafted over the last 14 or 15 years through corruption and has sent a warning to anyone else who has been slightly crooked. Those who have lost their jobs will not find employment as buyers are a close knit community and their careers are over. The supplier who I know will no doubt try his luck elsewhere and knowing the group that took them down will block any future business deals he tries to launch.

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