#MyCOVIDStory - Infected, Quarantined and Recovered - Few Stats about CoVid in India

Hi Friends,


Image Courtesy: From the blog of @theycallmedan in this blog

Well, I am sure you can make out what this blog is about from the image I shared above and yes, I am writing this blog about the Corona CoVid 19 situation in India as part of @theycallmedan's initiative and I am thankful to him for creating this awareness and starting this initiative.
I am also sharing some websites details which are like hacks to find the slots for CoWin vaccination in these difficult days.
Guess what, I am someone who doesn't like to go out of the house and especially during these pandemic days, I seldom go out of the house, BUT, I (and my sister's husband) have to visit a hospital on 2 3 times a day since my sister gave birth to a child and that means, knowingly or unknowingly, we somehow got infected and that led to both of us infecting other family members without our knowledge!!!!!
As many as 8 people including my father, mother, my wife and kids as well tested positive and we all underwent testing on 18th May and same day, out home quarantine started and the Doctors prescribed the medicines as shown in below screenshot.


Well, it may differ from person to person and also based on the symptoms we get.
But, what I got to know is this is the standard set of medicines to keep the fever under control, get rid of cold and cough and increase our body's immunization and hopefully, this prescription will be of help, but it's strongly recommended to consult the Doctor as soon as you feel you have some sumptoms.


India is under lockdown since last week of April and the stats for CoVid 19, the consolidated stats are as below:


There are more than 27 million cases have been found so far with more than 1% death (315,263 deaths in total) and close to 25 million have recovered and that shows, this pandemic is curable just like any other flu.
That means we have BIG hope of recovery with less death rate and our family is also an example as all 8 of us have recovered with the 5 day strict medication under home quarantine.
Here is another snapshot of CoVid cases so far in India.



If we see below chart, we can clearly make out that, it took almost 11 months to reach 10 million cases and the second wave started at this years beginning and in the 4 months itself (January to April) we got another 10 million cases and that figure rose alarmingly in the last 1 to 1 and half month as we are inching towards 30 million total cases.
But, yes, as we saw above, since the end of April, the cases seems to have got reduced since the lockdown started and the recovery rate also increased.



The day-wise cases if we see in below bar chart, it was at peak (400k+ cases a day!!) in last week of April and First week of this month, but, lockdown means, the cases are getting reduced as we see in second, third and this week as we see around 200K+ cases as of last few day's stats.



Clearly, the cases are under reduction as that blue spike shows in below screenshot. That's about the active cases, which means, the consolidated active cases are getting reduced which is due to increased recovery rate and also due to reduced new daily cases.
So, from touching 4 million active cases, we got back to close to 2.5 million active cases and most of the credit has to go to lockdown.



While the death rate is also getting under control, the time taken to 100K deaths due to CoVid was about 9 months and in just 7 monts from that, we had another 100K deaths, BUT the most alarming one being the last 100K deaths due to second wave starting in March and April and Third 100K deaths(total 300K) happened within a month's period!!!!


While the efforts are on with full swing to get the active cases and deaths under control and vaccination drive is on for the age group of 18 to 45, it's in our own interests, we need to take measures like wearing mask, maintaining distance from others besides getting vaccinated although there are few cases of reactions due to vaccination.

If you are someone from India and is looking to get vaccinated, the drive is on as mentioned above, but it may take some time to get a slot since many are registering for the vaccination.
Like one of our witnesses clearly mentioned, we can use github vaccination availability details in a particular area.
Alternatively, I found out a website with below link, which, will help in assessing the availability of slots for vaccination.
The link is:


We need to provide the PIN code of the area where vaccination is happening and also email ID, so that, they will send alerts as soon as a vaccination slot becomes available.

There is another website mentioned below which facilitates with finding a slot in a particular PIN Code area or even in a particular District.
The link is:



That's about the current CoVid situation in India and also a brief info about the infection our family members including me went thru and our road to to the recovery as well.
P.S: Unless otherwise specified explicitly, all the images are taken from below reference website as statistics and I am thankful to the website for the details.



Thanks for going thru the details and I hope someone finds it useful either with the case details or about finding slots for vaccination.
I would like to thank @theycallmedan once again for this initiative and wishing you all safe stay.

Wishing you all Wonderful day :)


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