Finance Monday [Part one]- The three foundational financial stability

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Hey everyone, Monday again and y’all know what that means it's the beginning of productivity. Are you looking forward to having control of your finances and building a strong financial foundation? I'm thrilled to announce to y’all that I'm gonna be doing a financial series that, is designed to provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to make smart financial decisions. It going to be every Monday as you can see from the title “Financial Monday”

I'm going to be dropping a series of topics related to finance from budgeting, Investing, and real-world tips and advice to achieving financial pursuits, without FudaAdu let's get into today’s topic.

The Three Fundamental Financial Stability

A lot of times we worry about our financial capacity to an extent that we tend that let it take control of our minds even when we sometimes have the money as well, one of out of the things we focus on is how to get money or get more money and nothing else but despite having to focus on getting money most of the time we tend not to achieve that or we get lost while trying to look for money, and I'm not saying money is not important or it is important its one factor of our lives and That's where my topic comes in The Three Fundamental Financial Stability which are;

  • Physical healthiness
  • Mental healthiness
  • Spiritual healthiness

When you have these three things that's when being financially healthy or stable has the biggest impact and the biggest power in your lives. Then you realize that money isn't the only thing that needed attention, but just the egg in the bread, I mean you can't put a delicious egg in spoilt bread.

That brings me to the end of today’s “financial Monday” topic and for next week get ready for another intriguing topic **” Financial misinformation”.

Until I see you next time, remain blessed and stay healthy.

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