The End Of Mortgages - And Good Riddance


Mortgages are horrifyingly evil documents.

Mortgage: a French word meaning death note (IOU).

With tons of legalese that benefits the bank, and a million gotchas that lurk for the tenant (not home owner) to get trapped in.

If a mortgage was a soccer match, the field would be sloped towards the tenants goal, with a funnel that made any ball rolling down hill, will end up in the net. The banksters also have home field advantage, and the referees all work for them. It takes a major bad play, caught on cameras, for the banksters to be given a yellow card.

Seriously, does that sound like a fair game?
Well, that is the game you are being forced into playing.

Further, you are putting your life on the line and the banksters are putting some "money", that they just printed, up against it.

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He bought the farm

When does a person say/hear this phrase?
Really think about that.

Isn't buying a farm something a young farmer does, to begin farming?
No, he got a mortgage, from the banksters, to rent a farm.

Farming isn't very lucrative. You aren't making much extra money, and any extra you get is usually put back into the farm.

There is a really big problem with farming. There are bad years. Basically 1 out of every seven years, you don't grow enough crops (not enough rain, horrible rains, locusts, fires…) to pay the mortgage, and then the banksters come and seize the farm.

They then sell it to the next up and coming farmer.
Yes, this was an actual thing, and plan, by the banksters.

But, if that wasn't evil enough, they made mortgages even worse.

The death note is written to be paid and settled in cash/currency.
This give the banksters home field advantage. They know about money, they know how to work it.

The farmer knows how to grow crops. He may not be a good salesman. He might not be good with money.

So, why isn't the mortgage written in wheat? The farmer grows wheat and delivers it to the banksters. This is what "payment in kind" refers back to. When a person got a loan, and put up part of his herd as collateral, the payment was the offspring of the herd, "in kind".

Also, why isn't there stipulations about bad years? If the banksters were actually giving a loan on a farm, and they expect bad years, then that should be part of the contract, don't you think? But no, the banksters put it all on the farmer.

The entire contract (it is actually not a contract) is written for the banksters to get rich, and all of the burden is placed on the farmer.

And, with the constant overturn of mortgages/farms. The time a person pays it off, is when they are dead.

He bought the farm.

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Not even a contract

In a contract, both parties have to give up something.

The banksters just make money out of thin air, after they are given the house. The home seller gave the bank a house. The home buyer (he wishes, he is a tenant in the contract) gave the bank a promissory note, and continuous payments. (bank gets paid twice) The bank gave nothing.

Thus, a mortgage is not a contract. And, a person has proven this in court.

How could we have let come into existence something so one sided as the mortgage?

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Mortgage only works in a fiat money system

If you lend money at interest, you have to have an inflationary currency, or you quickly run into the problem of no one being able to pay, as there is no money to pay the interest. If you borrow one bitcoin, where do you get the 0.05 bitcoin to pay the interest? It doesn't exists. And you can only borrow/steal from others so much before there is no bitcoin left.

So, mortgages work because we have an inflationary money system (and we have bankruptcy to hide the fact that we are still running out of money to pay the interest. The slowest people get axed.)

Not only is the mortgage written against you, the money system is against you.

A mortgage really is the death nail of society and the people within.

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The death of mortgages comes in several ways

  • Solid money
  • Houses built completely paid off
  • Banksters killing off all the small banks
  • 15 minute open air prisons / socialist property ownership

I wish we would see through the evil that is the mortgage, and hold banksters accountable for that evil. And then stop using mortgages.

However, we are just going to abandon "buying houses", while the govern-cements try to create their control grid utopias.

We will find that with bitcoin, that you cannot lend at interest. That usury always ends in destruction. So, lending will be done only to friends who are going to build something that will benefit society over the long run. You lend bitcoin out at 0%, but you get back your bitcoin and the community now has a house.

Further, houses will be built by the community for the young community member. This idea of bidding up the price of houses, so each younger generation has to out-bid all the previous generations is stupid. We will soon stop this insane practice, as we form into communities for protection and work load sharing.

While this is happening, the banksters are going to be killing off all the little banks. Only a few super-huge-large banks will exist. And getting a mortgage will be much more difficult. You will have little choice. Shopping for a mortgage will be a thing of the past. Few will qualify for a mortgage

During this time, we will also see the banksters, those mother WEFers building these 15 minute cities. Where they not only encourage people to move to them, they also do every despicable thing to get people to have no choice, but to move to these open air prisons.

So, basically, from both sides, mortgages will be a thing of the past.
Good riddance.

However, now we need to build community homesteads, and avoid the open air prisons.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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