Efficient ways to combat Mosquito bites

Mosquito bites are one of the biggest problems across the world. Statistics say that Mosquitoes are the most dangerous species of all when it comes to killing humans. No other species of animal or insect harms human beings to this extent. Some diseases like Malaria, Dengue, Viral fever, etc are all caused by Mosquito bites. I have been continuously hunting some techniques to get rid of mosquitoes or at least make sure they cannot bite me even if they are available in my bedroom.

In my house I have a ground floor and a first floor and the first floor is where my room is located. We have a living room downstairs and that's where Mosquitoes hunt me and give me injections. It is easy to get at least a minimum of 20 mosquitoes killed. I have been able to protect my bedroom to some extent where there are no mosquitos. I do have a netlon for the window but the point is not that. I used to wonder a lot as to how these mosquito bites could be handled. I have 3 solutions that are working very well for me.

Mosquito nets

There is a net available in the market that is of King size and it is easy for a 6-foot person to fit inside that. This is one of the best solutions we can have and it works for many people. I was able to purchase Mosquito for a decent amount of price. Even if one mosquito net becomes defective, I can always purchase one more and this can keep happening as the nets are not very costly.


Camphor with hot water

This is the next good solution that worked for me. Usually what I do is have a plate that is filled with warm water. The next step is to purchase some camphor and sprinkle them on the warm water. Sometimes I even include a few full camphor pieces. Within a few minutes, the camphor will start evaporating along with the hot water and it will change condition of the room to not have any mosquitoes. That's when I found out that having some camphor with hot water alone is a good choice.

Odomos creams

There is this cream available in the market that can be used to prevent mosquitoes from biting us. I don't know what other creams are available in other countries but Odomos is very popular in our place and it is a good one makes mosquitoes to no even come near us. Something makes me feel that Odomos is not my thing but being said I will use them when I have no other options consider.


I'm still looking for some genuine or perfect ways to handle this mosquito issue. Out of all the three that I have stated above I prefer using the option where I don't have to worry and keep killing any mosquitoes. Additionally I will also not need to worry about whether there will be mosquitoes or not. Just have the net assembled and have a nice sleep inside it. This has been a great success for me.

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