Good day Lions.
Long time no see. I hope your week is off to a a great start.

When it comes to Hive, there is always something to get you a little excited about using the platform.
I like looking at is my hive reputation, it is unavoidable because it is always there staring back at you. I love watching it grow and it been a very long way. For anyone who is new and doesn't know what their hive reputation is, it is that little figure next to your avatar. I remember it starts off at forty or so after your first post on hive, I'm not quite sure anymore, and it doesn’t seem to go beyond the 70’s count.

First of all, hive reputation is like the most difficult and slowest thing to grow on Hive. There is very little you can do to control it directly.
Here is what you can do to grow your reputation on hive.
number one, I have no idea. No just kidding. All you have to do is be and grow on Hive and your reputation will grow as well.


When I first started out and was still in the forty's, I would see users who are on 70's and 60's and wonder what it was like up there. Lol. The growth of my reputation wasn't very slow but it wasn't fast either. I just knew it was steady, and whenever something significant happened to my account, the number would go up a little.

This morning, I woke up to a new growth on my reputation, I had been waiting for this to happen for the longest time and it finally happened. Lol. I am very aware that it is not really a big deal but I don't mind it at all. I was at 62 for what felt like the longest time and this morning I moved up to 63. Yay!


I will tell you this, in case you don't already know it. Your reputation grows based on your upvote. Upvotes which are rewards for creating content and whatever is the catalyst, so when people are appreciating your content with upvotes it adds to your rep in the industry.
I don't know how the math get mathed, but that is basically how it works.

Thing is, I'm not sure what impact or influence the reputation has on anything. Aside from people looking at it and seeing how far you have come and how much work you have put into getting there, I don't know of what other implications and consequences it has on your blockchain existence but it is nice watching it go up.
Thanks for reading. Have a wonderful week.


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