Bearing The Bear | (Market Analysis & A Psychological Review)..

When it comes to the perceptions of money there happen to be quite diverse opinions that people have is what amazes me very much. That says about we can have our distinct sense of judging a condition, a outlook or the context dealing with. Things that go as for money, the economic sense isnt the same to all, people share diversities and as for it their choices tend to vary and the outcome also with it changes as well.

I have been relating my observations with this thought for a long time in the contexts of market conditions in crypto and as it looked out that - the while there are approaches different, people can take unique and differentiated views over one thing. I think, from the standpoint of psychology, its pretty natural and usual for our daily lives to have such distinct angle of judgments.

Dealing with the aspects of digital coins and the market of cryptocurrency that is changing rapidly in the aspects of values, volumes, price range and the people's active #transactions in a limited time etc, I tend to see opportunity more than losing something. The impression that comes with losing shares or assets at a certain time, can sometimes make us to keep our #money rounded and to take extra stretch while choosing for investments.


I have found out that it happens due to the contemporary tendencies developed for losing rather than winning the previous time. The upper hand goes to stick with being conservative, not to follow through the extensive sets of spreading money and allocating it for a good hope. Although it also depends on what a person expects out of his bids, because losing smaller and bigger also has equal chances of happening .

For more than a years time the price of $Hive has been quite static and as if it seems like the coin has forgotten to behave the same way most of the other crypto assets turn out. The volatility is a part of the game played upon and #market demands are just reflected by the trades been made. As for a coin, if it stays low in value, the bear trend can affect or influence a person in many ways.

What many people view the bear run is that it is s time to pull out cashing in or quit the projects of investments. Because the rewarding parameter or the level of outcome is low, what it keeps the profit schemes slightly downwards. Some of the people having common tendency to look out for the maxim of "buying low, selling high", that creates the expectations of getting reward in the perfect time where parameters align to own favours.

I see that while the #price is low, suppose as for #Hive token it is down to 35 cents, has been below the $0.40 margin for a long time - such bearish trend is helpful for making a worthy #savings plan to open up. Powering up Hive tokens can be beneficial for the long run. Those people waiting for the bull to plug in again misses one thing, the flow of regular composition of the #tokens.


There happens to be many investment options available for people to choose and in crypto, there are also different plans to adopt. When it comes for bear market, downturns happening one after another and not a big chunks of #profit coming, people's #investment margins also seem to have slipping away. Its like a natural reduction, starting from a 10-15% to the lion shares pulling out.

But what is essential for a solid investor or #crypto enthusiast to retain the momentum and control of a project, he should set up ways to keep going throughout the bear #markets. This approach can solve slipping away problem, holding onto maximum time and generate the output it needs to succeed.

Because I believe success doesn’t come when people appreciates the highs and face off from lows and keep out of touches. But the secret to it remains how both of the conditions are handled well and passing of adjustments to move forth. Those who can understand that out-stretches a long way, the others fall behind.

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