Petroleum Price has Spiked by 35 rupees Per Litre

Hello everyone! I hope you all will be well and good. Nowadays prices of everything are roaring sky high. We sleep and when we wake up the next morning we see the price of daily provisions of life has increased.

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Especially the price of petroleum and other fuels affects everything a lot. In a while the same thing happened in Pakistan when the price of the petrol spikes to sky high. The news was going on about the rise in the price of the petrol.

Pakistan is facing poor economic conditions. And in this era the petroleum prices sky rockets this week. This week the finance minister was saying that the petroleum price will be increased by 35 rupees and the per litre price will become approximately 249.80 rupees.

Inflation is rising everyday in the whole world and every country is facing bad economic conditions and Pakistan is facing the most. Due to these conditions the diesel price has also increased to 262.8 rupees. And due to this increase in the fuel prices, the prices of other goods are also increasing. It is really a critical situation for the citizens as most of the people are living hand to mouth.

Due to increase in the fuel prices the fares are also increasing rapidly. Being a shopkeeper I am also facing problems in transportation to bring things for my shop and now I am paying more fare than ever.

Similarly the prices of fruit, vegetables and cooking oil are also increasing at great rates. Flour prices are also increasing day and night.

Hive price has also spiked 40%+ yesterday which is only a good spike. It is only the one thing whose increasing price is always welcome. But it is my fate that I was not holding hive tokens, otherwise I could make 40% profit easily. But now I am thinking to accumulate some hive tokens for future. I will try my best to avail some separate money to get hive tokens. And I will also fly to the sky with the increase in the price of hive tokens next time.

Regards: @akmalshakir

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