WEF is The Unelected Leader on a Mission to Control Our Lives - Why We Need to Start Paying Attention

"When the IPCC is using hysterical, spoiled people like Greta Thunberg to promote these reports, clearly we are dealing with a belief system and cult, rather than a scientifically based organization".

This is a statement made by Cristian Terhes, a Member of the European Parliament representing Romania and the Christian-Democratic National Peasants' Party (PNTCD) in the ECR Group and a human rights advocate, whom I admire.

While I am not usually interested in politics, I am not blind to those who genuinely strive to make a difference for their countries/organizations.

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Unfortunately, the climate change narrative has been hijacked by elites such as the World Economic Forum (WEF) who use it to further centralize their control over the world's population through measures like carbon credits, 15-minute cities, digital cash, social credits, and digital IDs, while widening the gap between the lower and upper class.

The elites' "individual carbon footprint" concept is used to promote the climate change narrative, while they themselves continue to fly in their highly polluting private jets, lecturing the rest of us to "eat za bugs" instead of meat and ride bikes instead of driving cars to save the planet. The question remains whether the planet really needs saving and if carbon emissions have a significant impact on the climate.

Does the planet need to be saved, and is carbon emissions affecting our planet's climate that much? Here's the answer(based on science) coming from Cristian Terhes once again:

According to Cristian Terhes, CO2 only constitutes 0.041% of the atmosphere, making it difficult to believe that it can cause the climate catastrophes some claim. Terhes also believes that the climate change narrative is a scam, used by elites to enrich themselves while making the rest of us poorer.

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However, when Terhes tried to present his case on why climate change is a scam, he was met with backlash and childlike explanations on why we should listen to Greta Thunberg instead. Personally, I view Greta Thunberg as nothing more than an establishment actor, but that's a topic for another post. Unfortunately, the buffoonery doesn't end with Greta's feet.

In this short clip, we see a group of climate protesters blocking a road in the UK, with the police protecting them from an angry driver who was driving for work and was about to move them out of the way.

It's interesting to note that protests against the establishment, such as anti-lockdown protests, Canadian truckers, and the French fighting against Macron's regime, are often met with police force.

So, who is behind this climate change agenda that aims to "kill meat and eggs", internal combustion engines, and all the freedoms and liberties associated with using fossil fuels? The answer is the WEF, a "governing entity" that nobody elected.

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Carbon offsets are bullshit, the skies are not blue due to chemtrails and there's nothing you can do about that...

According to its website, the WEF is an international organization for public-private cooperation that engages political, business, cultural, and other leaders to shape global, regional, and industry agendas. While it claims to be independent, impartial, and not tied to any special interests, it is pushing a new world order that goes beyond the sovereignty of almost all countries in the world.

However, we must not forget that we, the people, have Hive, Bitcoin, and other decentralized blockchains on our side in the fight for our lost fundamental freedoms, wealth, health, and freedom of speech. It's not all doom and gloom yet, and we must continue to fight for our rights.

Thanks for your attention,

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