Potential for All Elite Wrestling Crossover Event with Impact Wrestling is High

Imagine a crossover event between wrestling companies. We may be seeing the start of one. All Elite Wrestling crowned a new champion on their first episode of December for their show Wednesday Night Dynamite. At the end of the night, Don Callis left the arena with the AEW champion. When asked what was going on Callis stated all would be made clear on Tuesday night on Impact. This set the wrestling fans into a frenzy as to what that might mean. I am going to look at one potential outcome of this crossover – admittedly the most farfetched potential outcome.


Working together for change

Impact Wrestling, Ring of Honor, etc all have had athletes on their shows that were involved in other promotions. There are working relationships, behind the scenes, between many of the companies not named WWE. I do not want to rule them out as WWE have worked with other companies over the years – we just rarely hear about it or realize it on television.

All Elite Wrestling has been far more visual and vocal about working with other companies. Thunder Rosa has appeared on AEW programming to defend her NWA Womens Championship for instance. Before the television deal was inked with TNT, AEW worked with NWA on Pay-Per View events.

Over the years we have seen several wrestling companies come together for these dream PPV’s. They are mostly one-time events and are very limited (often being at trade shows that share a common fanbase).

Getting excited based on what could have been

What I am getting at is, not a weekly crossover or anything. Instead, bring back the mysterious element of the Monday Night Wars. A lot of fans paid attention to both shows to see who went where and when (Rick Rude showing up on both the same night was mind blowing back then - helped Raw was pre-taped of course).

The time DX went to the arena that WCW was in was quite funny. Especially the reaction of those in charge at the arena (either WCW or the arena staff themselves) was funny too. I agree with McMahon on that one - had WCW done that, he would have ordered the doors up, let them in. His mindset was people would watch the show with ALL of them on it.

Vince McMahon is probably right. It would have been the first simulcast between the companies, prior to the last episode of Monday Night Raw airing. Well, had WCW had the foresight to raise those doors and then put a camera crew on the action. Looking back, I do not believe that those in control of World Championship Wrestling at the time would have done that.

That stuff was rare and it was fun.

Now, imagine a true "Super Bowl/World Series" style event between these companies. If it got fans a one time a year event where the champions from these promotions all went at each other then I would be all for it. Imagine the something like Survivor Series where each team was from a different company going at it.

Imagine the tag champs, heavyweight, US, etc champs all facing off at such an event. Maybe heavyweight champs get their own match but everyone else forms one team for each company.

Throughout the year we could see one offs to build up or close feuds and the like.

The last time something like this could have happened was when the NWA was leading the industry. Back then national television was not a big factor in their operations though - just look at the lack of footage of so many great events from the pre-1970's era.

A big crossover event has been hinted at for years

Wrestling fans that follow more than one company know what I mean here. Triple A has worked with Impact, AEW, etc. NWA has worked with AEW. Almost all wrestling companies of any decent size have worked with larger Japan based companies.

The problem is, it has usually been one-offs, non-televised, or only on PPV. When we have seen athletes from other companies make an appearance, their affiliation has been often referred to as “experienced in other companies”.

We have seen more visual interaction between AEW and Triple A and the NWA. Both those companies have seen various titles from their promotions defended on AEW television, or AEW’s YouTube show. The point is, it was not hidden that these were not AEW athletes, it was not painted as they were invading. It was presented as just what it was – the champs from another promotion coming to AEW to defend their titles. Often added on would be stuff like “against the best in the world” or similar hyperbole.

A crossover event alternative to WWE

Maybe the NWA idea of territories working together is the better way to go. Sure, today, territories are dead and gone as we knew them anyhow. I think territories have simply evolved. Rather than regional territories we now have television territories. Not every fan gets access to every promotion they want to watch.

That creates opportunities for stars in one promotion to not be known elsewhere. Something a crossover event could alleviate.

This is where a crossover event could create even bigger stars in wrestling. We could be seeing the beginnings of another partnership between companies. The resulting impact could be resoundingly huge as well.

If that is what happens. As I mentioned before, this is the most far-fetched version I could think of. With that said, it could be the least likely to happen. When making bets though, I am a long shot kind of gambler though.

As far as taking out WWE, we must remember, the Connecticut based company is not focused on wrestling in the first place. That is another article for another day though.

Could be interesting. Unfortunately, I doubt that is what we get.

I know Impact is owned by a corporation - show a company you can make money and you get stuff like Stone Cold Steve Austin talking soap.

What are your thoughts on where this crossover event might lead? Let me know in the comments below. If you are on Facebook, come check out the Gravis Ludus Wrestling group. No B.S., just fans discussing wrestling.

This article was originally published on the Gravis Ludus Wrestling website.

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