Society of the Snow (Based on a true story)

Hi friends, a couple of days ago a vivid line with the text "Oscar Nomination" caught my attention. I think many of you are already familiar or at least heard about the new masterpiece movie "Society of the Snow". I really hope I can find the appropriate words to describe my emotions in the best possible way. And the first thing to note is that the actors who starred in this movie are young people, most of whom have experience acting only on theater stages. This surprised me even more, because the acting was top notch!

So, let's begin! The action takes place in sunny Uruguay in the far 1972. A team of young people gathered for a trip, which they considered a gift of fortune because of the really low ticket price, to the colorful country of Chile. The day of the trip came, and all the passengers were extremely happy about the upcoming trip and were saying goodbye to their relatives " till Monday" at the airport. Meanwhile, their plane was preparing for the departure and waiting for its passengers.


With wide smiles on their faces, everyone took their seats and the plane took off safely. The road to Chile passed through the high snowy Andes Mountains, where the tragic incident happened, and the whole world remembered it for a long time. The collision of cold and warm winds sucked the plane like a whirlpool and the plane crashed on the high peaks of the mountains, where there is not a single living soul. Only endless white mountains and terrible frost, which penetrated as steel needles deep inside into the body. They were on their way to Chile...


The airplane's tail section was torn off in the crash, and everyone in it was instantly killed. Those in the front of the plane were the lucky ones. Many of them survived. Just imagine, people were able to survive an airplane crash high in the mountains!


And now they, the survivors, are helping severely injured friends, relatives, and even people they barely know. They need to unite in order to survive! Thus began the countdown for survival. Their hope of being found alive was dying day by day. The radio, which had been repaired by them, reported that the search for the missing airplane in the Andes had been called off. Passengers who were injured were also dying quickly. The food that was on board was only enough for a couple of days. A serious decision was made...


To survive, you have to eat. But there was no food, only the bodies of the dead... The faithful people gave up the idea and continued to starve. Strength left them every day, the frost did not let them relax even for a moment, there was dead silence around and only snowstorms occasionally reminded that they were uninvited guests here, people do not have any place here.


Some brave men made attempts to get out. They put all the clothes they could find in suitcases on themselves and several times set out to explore. They miraculously survived and got back. They had to stop and spend the night on very steep slopes of snowy mountains that by morning they were completely covered with snow. But the attempts were unsuccessful.....


And then one day, having practiced enough, the three young men set out on a hike with the goal of getting all the way to Chile. On the way, they realized that they had not taken enough "food" for the three of them, and they still needed to stay on the road for about 10 days. It was decided that one of them would go back to the ruins of the airplane, which for a while became their home, and tell the news to those who stayed waiting.


After such a difficult and desperate journey, they finally came to an area where instead of sharp mountain peaks and prickly snow, they could see green grass. There was no limit to their happiness! They reached the nearest pond and drank clean water that they had not seen for 72 days, all the while being saved by melted snow. They were also lucky enough to meet a passing man to whom they shouted and asked with all their might to pay attention to them. They succeeded in doing so. Promptly the information about the "finding" reached the state and a rescue operation was quickly organized.


At that moment tears flowed from my eyes, I was happy that 16 people were saved from imminent and cruel death! One of the survivors spent the whole time they were in the mountains taking care of the belongings of the dead. He collected an entire suitcase of personal belongings of those who died and gave it to their loved ones. Out of 40 passengers just 16 survived. For 72 whole days they fought for life. They succeeded, they survived... It's insanely hard for me to realize that this story is real and that the people who survived are still alive. It's just unbelievable! Friends, please write what you think about this movie in the comments. I will be very glad to read your opinion. Take care of yourselves and your loved ones. See you soon friends! Bye-bye!


Image Sources: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

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