Yellowstone (series): This is the best show on television right now

I know that using the term television is outdated but honestly, Yellowstone truly is a cut above almost all other shows that are available right now.

I had previously written about how amazing I thought this show was but since I was acquiring them via torrent, I kind of just lost track of the fact that I was watching the and simply forgot to keep doing so. Recently I was clearing out my D: drive and saw that I had an unwatched season and it was season 4. I completed season 4 late last night and it was so good that it kept me up well past my bedtime.

Seriously, if you are nor watching this show or even worse, if you don't even know what it is, you are missing out big time.


The show is mostly about the Dutton family, who is lead by John Dutton who is masterfully played by one of my favorite living actors, Kevin Costner. He is gruff as can be, leads with an iron will, but isn't without his empathy and sympathies.

His children are minor characters and are all extremely interesting in their own right, but some are more interesting than others you could say.

His daughter Beth for example, is a vicious person that has a soft side that in many ways is like her father, and will stop at nothing to protect her family and the ranch that has been in their family for generations.


Foul-mouthed and sometimes outright mean, she is the DGAF member of the family who has little to no respect for anyone other than most of the members of her immediate family. She protects the Duttons in ways that no other member of her family can and one of her many interesting characteristics is that she doesn't give a damn where or where not she is "allowed" to smoke.

There is a wide array of minor characters on the show that all have their own side stories going on and none of them are bad. In almost any show that I have seen including some of my favorites of all time, there has always been one or two characters whose storyline I found boring. I can't say that this is true of anyone on Yellowstone and there is only really one character that annoys me.


Tate Dutton thankfully (IMO) isn't featured very heavily and his boring involvements in any story are kept brief. To be fair to the writers they needed a child to be in this show because a big part of the storyline is the fact that John Dutton is running out of bloodline children and Tate is his only biological grandchild. Tate is played by Brecken Merrill who I am guessing is new to the acting scene because he has no other films/tv shows that i can find that he is credited with nor does he even have a wiki. I also tend to not like almost all child actors anyway, so again, I am probably biased here.

The main point I am trying to make here is that it has been a while since I have been privy to a show that is so good that it keeps me up later than I should be awake at night and I have actually started to relegate the watching of it to the afternoons so that it doesn't screw up my time clock as far as my regular life is concerned.

The show also doesn't even have a minute amount of wokeness to it that is just so omnipresent in almost anything that Netflix and other studios make these days. Kudos to Paramount and MTV (surprisingly) for allowing us to have some entertainment without trying to program or re-educate us as to how we should be running our own lives.

Should I watch it?

I have intentionally included the trailer for season 1 even though I have finished 4 seasons and will start on season 5 this afternoon. I don't want to spoil anything for anyone out there that has not yet seen some or all of this.

This is without question one of the best series I have ever seen in my life and it therefore gets the highest level of recommendation that I can possibly offer. Seriously; it is that good!


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