Is winning or improving better?

A new year, new me?

I don’t like the above idea. Now, I don’t mean you can’t set new year resolutions – I am sure they hold deep value. And of course, setting new year resolutions bring in more conviction to fulfill them.

What I mean is, I don’t wait until I new year for resolutions. For me, acting in the moment makes me feel I am out to do something.


> Photo by Robert V. Ruggiero on Unsplash

The problem is – I start something, it goes well for some days and then I stop it. I hate myself for that.

I lose the sight of the goal I want to achieve. I become dull, not wanting to do anything.

But I don’t blame myself for that either, juggling between a night shift job and then housework, I am left with no energy. Just doing something feels like it will suck the soul out of me.

So, what habit can I take that it is easy for me to build myself while I live my monotonous daily life? How do I motivate myself to do something every day that improves me?

I don’t know yet. I am not there yet.

Some of the things I am trying are:

  1. Walking for 30 minutes – I aim to walk at least 30 minutes every day. I don’t go to gym but I do bit of stretches when I can.
  2. Sleeping 12 hours – This is for my stress. I realized that sleep reduces my stress and I feel better throughout the day as well.
  3. Read books – read a new page of a book every day. I want to gain a new skill as I grow older. I am reading a trading book that will help me. I understand without practice, this skill of no use, but reading trains my mind and one day I will surely practice as well.


> The book I am trying to finish!

  1. Meditate – at least 10 minutes a day. All the stress releases through my shoulder. I am calmer, more present in the moment. Also I am able to focus more without reacting to things.
  1. Find a better job – this is a goal I set for myself. As I do not have a work life balance, I am looking for a day job that agrees with my body and also I get time to do other stuff.

I am trying to keep up this routine of mine. It may take some time, but slowly incorporating such changes will discipline me. After all, a battle (or an obstacle) should be first won in the head.

In the Atomic habits book, the author says not to miss two consecutive days of habit practicing. I have taken this to heart. I try not to miss two consecutive days of reading or any other habit that I follow.

If I follow my habits every day, I consider it as a win. So improving is winning I guess.

> Photo by Vitolda Klein on Unsplash

Let me know what keeps you moving!

Disclaimer: All Images have their sources cited.

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