Out of the box


Life and death are one thread, the same line viewed from different sides.

- Lao Tzu -

I spent a little time thinking about my year today and, more specifically, the things that went well, and not so well. It's been somewhat of a challenge and, looking back on a few situations, I wonder how I managed to bring it all together, but I did, mostly.

It's not been all tough going though; I've had some really great things happen, some of which I've personally brought into being and I'm proud of that. That's been a really great part of my year in itself, the fact I stepped out of my comfort zone, thought out of the box, worked super-hard and made something happen. Now, here I am with a week or so to go in the year feeling that it was, overall, a good one.

I often talk about ownership, effort and discipline, about standing up and taking the first step, even though it may be a difficult thing to do, and moving forward. I also talk a lot about doing uncomfortable things, meaning getting out of one's comfort zone, even though that exposes one to risks; the risk of failure amongst them. It's what I tend to do though, because it's outside of the established lines, out of the box we're inside of, where something great may be...we'll not know if we don't look, or try.

In the last couple of years I've made major changes in my life with mixed results. I say mixed but don't necessarily mean good or bad, life isn't often that black and white. There's various shades between black and white and various degrees of good or bad...I've experienced many of them.

Looking back now, I can see different ways I could have done things, better ways that may have brough better results, but I can't change what happened, only what happens now and into the future...and I will. That's how I work best, understanding the past and applying it to the present for a better future. Viewing my last year from different perspectives is healthy, helpful and horrific at times also - I mean in those cases where I wasn't my best version - but it's all helpful.

Thinking out of the box, getting out of my comfort zone, and actively seeking new and better thoughts or attitudes, creating new paradigms, is something I learned a long time ago and I suggest it to those I mentor hoping they will consider doing the same. There's great value in it and it's not let me down; sure it has hung me out there a little I suppose but in so doing, being pushed and pulled, I've found hidden reserves of...hidden reserves of me I guess. It's that which helps me push into uncomfortable scenarios, thoughts and attitudes, and carries me forward.

Have you gotten uncomfortable in the last year? Have you found the need to dig deep, find something more, and use that to carry you through or around a big rock in your life? Have you faced adversity and won, lost or drawn? Feel free to tell me below if you feel comfortable opening up about it.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

Any images in this post are my own

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