My Amazing Mushroom Morning

Hi, I'm new to the fungi lovers community. So happy to find out there is, not only a fungi lovers community, but there's a #fungifriday!

In 2017 I knew nothing about mushrooms. Without doing sufficient research, I tried to grow winecaps in my yard, but nothing came up for two years. So I had completely given up even hoping.
Only yesterday morning, after a rainy night, I went out to the shed and noticed, growing out of the wood chips that I used as mulch in my garden. There were three mushrooms I'd never seen in person, but knew from quite well from pics. King Stropharia, the winecap mushroom!
I'm afraid I picked these two before I thought to get pics.
The gills are grey but almost look lavender.
I left this little guy in hopes he (or she?) would spore some more.

And as if that were not exciting enough, I then took my dogs for a walk in a state forest. And couldn't believe what I found there.

The ever elusive reishi mushroom. I knew they were a big deal for some reason, but had never found one so, basically, never researched them. I took the larger one and left the small one to hopefully perpetuate the species.
Then, maybe ten minutes later, on another moss covered log I found some more.


They were all quite fresh and not yet hard. So I took some more of the larger ones home with me, but still left one or two behind.

But that was, for me, a wildly exciting mushroom day. If you guys are really fungi lovers, you know what it's like. So thanks for sharing it with me:)
And thank you @ewkaw for hosting fungi friday. Hope we can do this again sometime. It was fun:)

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