(ESP/ENG) - Es bueno como madre preparar a su hijo que partirá de este mundo💔

¡Saludos Queridos 💞 Amigos de #Motherhood! //
Greetings Dear 💞 Friends of #Motherhood!

Ya hace más de un mes que murió mi prima hermana con quién compartir muchos momentos hermosos una chica joven, simpática con muchas habilidades, le diagnosticaron cáncer de útero hace dos años, aunque ella lucho porque esa enfermedad desapareciera de su cuerpo no pudo con ella, ahora deja a su hijo Juansito de 10 años sin su compañía.
It has been more than a month since the death of my cousin sister with whom I shared many beautiful moments, a young, nice girl with many abilities, she was diagnosed with uterine cancer two years ago, although she fought for this disease to disappear from her body she could not fight it, now she leaves her son Juansito, 10 years old, without her company.



Ella siempre estaba sonriente, dispuesta ayudar con lo que ella pudiera, su hijo menor Juansito siempre estaba a su lado dándole compañía incluso era quien la atendía cuando no había nadie en casa, la ayudaba a levantarse de la cama, le preparaba el desayuno y cualquier cosa que necesitaba el estaba hay hasta que su hermana mayor llegará del trabajo.
She was always smiling, ready to help with whatever she could, her youngest son Juansito was always by her side giving her company, he was even the one who took care of her when there was no one at home, he helped her get out of bed, prepared her breakfast and whatever she needed, he was there until his sister came home from work.
Pensé que mejoraría ya que siempre que le preguntaba cómo estaba ella decía que muy bien que había sanado que ya no tenía cáncer y me alegré mucho en saber que ya ese cáncer no estaba en ella, pero mi mayor sorpresa fue que al enterarme por su hermano que ella no había mejorado que los médicos le dijeron que ya no se podía hacer más nada que tenía metástasis y que solo le daban 6 mese de vida, no lo podía creer me sentí tan mal y comencé a visitarla más seguido, incluso toda la familia la apoyamos mucho, aunque ya los dolores no la dejaban vivir era algo horrible, las pastillas no le hacían nada.
I thought she would get better because whenever I asked her how she was, she always said she was fine, that she had healed and that she no longer had cancer and I was very happy to know that the cancer was no longer in her, but my biggest surprise was that when I heard from her brother that she had not improved, the doctors told her that nothing more could be done, that she had metastasis and that she only had 6 months to live, I could not believe it, I felt so bad and I began to visit her more often, even the whole family supported her a lot, although the pains did not let her live, it was horrible, the pills did not do anything for her.
En sus últimos meses de vida ella hablaba mucho con su hijo Juansito le explicaba que ella partiría de este mundo en cualquier momento porque su cuerpo estaba enfermó que no se sintiera triste cuando ella se fuera, ya que ella estaría siempre con el así el no la viera. Al principio sus hijo mayores se disgustaban cuando ella le decía todo eso a Juansito, pero después entendieron que ella lo que quería que el niño estuviera preparado cuando ella partiera.
In her last months of life she talked a lot with her son, Juansito, explaining to him that she would leave this world at any moment because her body was sick and that he should not feel sad when she left, since she would always be with him even if he did not see her. At first her older sons were upset when she said all that to Juansito, but later they understood that she just wanted him to be ready when she left.
Juansito a pesar por lo que estaba pasando su mamá era un niño alegre, juguetón y cariñoso, recuerdo que siempre que iba a la casa de mi prima el rapidito le pedía permiso a su mamá para ir a jugar, aprovechando el momento que llegara quien qué le hiciera compañía.
Juansito, in spite of what his mother was going through, was a happy, playful and affectionate child, I remember that whenever he went to my cousin's house he would always ask his mother for permission to go and play, taking advantage of the moment when someone would arrive to keep him company.
La semana que su salud empezó a empeorar ella decidió dejarle al niño a su padre quien siempre estuvo pendiente de el incluso después de su separación, cuando hable con ella me dijo que tomo esa decisión ya que no quería que Juansito la viera sufrir tanto. Esa misma semana mi prima fallece en el hospital por un paro respiratorio ya que el cáncer le agarro los riñones y este colapsó y se llenó de líquido los riñones.
The week that her health began to deteriorate she decided to leave the child to his father who was always looking after him even after their separation, when I spoke with her she told me that she made that decision because she didn't want Juansito to see her suffer so much. That same week my cousin died in the hospital due to a respiratory arrest because the cancer grabbed her kidneys and she collapsed and her kidneys filled with fluid.
El día de su sepelio Juansito se acercó a ella y le dijo mami no te sientas mal sé que te fuiste de este mundo porque estabas sufriendo mucho, me voy a porta bien como me lo pediste, estás fueron las palabras de un niño de 10 años para su madre. En ese momento entendí que mi prima solo quería que Juansito supiera de su muerte y entendiera que ella se iría de este mundo porque estaba enferma sufriendo por esta terrible enfermedad.
The day of her burial Juansito approached her and told her mommy don't feel bad, I know that you left this world because you were suffering a lot, I am going to carry you well as you asked me to, these were the words of a 10 year old boy to his mother. At that moment I understood that my cousin only wanted Juansito to know about her death and to understand that she was leaving this world because she was sick and suffering from this terrible disease.

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