A Moment in our Day

Helloooooooooooo Sunday!

I can't sleep! 😤

The monkeys are already sleeping and I'm not.

So I just have to open my lappy and decided to write and post something while I wait for Mr. SandyMan to come over and sprinkle me some sleepydust. lolz.

Let me share a snippets of our day today.

A moment ago, the house was on riot mode on. Tiny toys were everywhere, pillows were flying, books are on the floor as well, dirty clothes here and there aaaaaaaaannnnd mommy T-Rex keeps popping in the scene and no one was in their PJs yet!!! Ggggrrrrrrr..

Little Maxie is just quietly playing with his car in his little corner. Until I heard him making a scene as he keeps whining and all because his brothers kept on teasing him and snatching his matchbox cars. He does not want anyone touching his cars when his playing, no one dares touches it for we all know he has a temper. But not tonight, the big brothers had daringly teased Little Maxie and had pushed him over the edge. They were trying to prank him by stealing his cars one by one. Then the pranks had epicly failed for the little one had raised the WAR Flag and is not going down without a fight. He had already noticed the missing cars and he knew who had gotten them. He shouted and kept crying at the them to give it back. And it was too late to come between them and mediate the boys. Litlle Maxie had thrown everything that his little hands could reach and get.

So how could one manage to handle to your child during his/her meltdowns??

We the parents has to have the looooooooooongest patience and barrels of love for our children. Parenting has never and will never be easy. But that is all part of life, if it was that easy then meltdowns wouldn't be an issue, would it? Somehow, no matter what life throws to parents, we seemed to find ways to get through with it. As a mother of three, it's a tough thing to do esepcially that it is different for each of them and they are all BOYS!!! I do not know exactly how the other families with girls live their lives, I wonder if they get through phases of life peacfully like an ordinary walk at the park because mine ours is more of Jurassic Park most of the time.. But I doubt, children aren't born super kind and super nice! hahahahaha.. Not a day that passes that I could be BARNEY instead of Mommy T-Rex.

Frankly speaking, we do have different ways to manage meltdowns in the family. They are never the same, one solution maybe great for the firstborn but will never be the same solution to the middle child or the youngest. Just imagine that one trick does not goes well for all of them, rather it is a case to case basis. Each one had a certain degree of attention and focus in order to sub-due their meltdown. We just have to find something to cool each of them down. So far, the youngest, our Little Maxie has the most higher meltdowns than the other two boys. He is by the way just stepped up to Terrible Twos! I have read that it is always best to always talk things to your child. They maybe young and all but somehow they will understand a little, it won't probably sink it fast but that will instill in their sub-concious and relate in the future.

Back to his current issue at hand, the meltdown of my youngest monkee, I have had tried everything to console him. In fact I had gathered all the cars that his brothers had stolen and he just wont accept it. And I was a bit tired because it's a weekend and I get to do almost everything in the house by myself because the nanny is on day-off and the ex-boyfie is working overtime at the office. I haven't showered, I am hungry and I smelled like yesterday and I don't think the comb and I met for three days! And now that I had just finished folding the newly washed clothes and was about to cook for dinner when the riot started. I couldn't console him. Maybe I needed to console myself and not breakdown as well.

I cannot take this, I said to myself. Calm down. Breathe in, breathe out..

Then suddenly, I saw a box! There is the answer to our dilemma.



Oooooh yeah! I had put him in there and had given him a pen and pencil. He did wanted the pencil more. That could keep him busy alright! Smart move mommy, pat yourself for our little victory. hehehe.

I slowly wiped out his tears for he wasn't crying anymore. He was actually pretty excited of his new board wall to write on. He really loves to scribble, anything he could write in he would draw anything. The whole house is his canvass and he is master of unique and abstract art that only he can understand what it is (🤣😂). There was this one time when I had given him some colored pens and he started writing on my legs because he got tired writing at the walls. 🙄




I am soooo grateful for the box! My savior for the moment. The two older monkeys were grounded and I had ordered them to clean up the toys and other mess scattered everywhere and as well as take a bath. And most importantly, I also issued a restraining order from not going near to Little Maxie for about of 50 meters away for atleast one hour while I am trying to cook our dinner. hahahahaha

When dinner was ready, I asked Little Maxie if he would like to eat. Naaaaaah, he has not gotten bored yet with the box. I did give him the time he need to be alone with the box. I grabbed the opportunity to take a bath myself while the other boys were eating dinner ahead. We couldn't do the dinner together because the moment calls for a space. hahaha.. is there such a thing??! Am I a weird mom?!! OOhhhh, I remember FACEBOOK even has the option to TAKE A BREAK from being friends if you do not want to click unfriend. The relation is that, we all need a BREAK sometimes. When you see it, embrace it! We badly need it to pause to slow down.

Parenting to me is a constant struggle and always have a room for improvement. It is not perfect and can be tiring at times. Though we can never give up and decide to stop. Oh no! There are none in our syllabus! It is a lifelong commitment to our children that we will constantly be there for them no matter how hard parenting may hit us. Remember, we may have different battles to face but you are definitely not alone. You can be able to handle any issues with your child or children if you yourself is better at coping too. They look up to you to us on how we handle things. We can do this momma! We were built for this.

So, that was the highlight of our day! All is well and likewise forgiven. Kids do not dwell so much on things as long as they apologize and make up (unlike the adults who kept complicating things that a simple sorry won't do.. hahahaha... oh well.. grown-ups!).

I hope I had shared some parenting insights today. And oh, sleepydust is taking its effect now. Take care you all. Bye!



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