My Not-So-Little One's Pre-birthday Photoshoot

Hello again, Hivians!

How have you been? For those of you who’ve been following me, you’d know that my content mostly centers around my baby girl. True enough, my life now revolves around her since she’s becoming a wee adventurous toddler who requires lots of care and attention. Anyway, that little one just turned another year older recently, and more and more, she shows me that she’s not so little anymore.

Anyway, for her second birthday, we decided to do a photoshoot to capture her special day more creatively. We also took the chance to take a professionally-shot family photo so we can have one. Boy, it was the rowdiest photoshoot I have seen. I sort of regret conducting the shoot on her second birthday instead of her first birthday. At that age, she could barely walk. Right now, she runs like a cute little mad bull and wrecks everything within her sight. But anyway, everything went much better than my expectations. My little one was laughing throughout the shoot, and luckily, she only threw tantrums as we’re about done. Aside from that, we got lots of adorable photos of my not-so-little-one. And with great pride, I am sharing the fruits of my labor with you. Hey! I worked hard in organizing it; I might as well show it off!




The shoot’s theme was Song of the Sea since she has the same name as the movie's protagonist. My not-so-little one’s name is Saoirse, which means ‘freedom’ in Irish. Her father and I are both fans of Saoirse Ronan, the actress. The name, Saoirse (sur-shuh), is actually challenging to pronounce for Filipinos, but we pushed through with naming her as such because of a friend who told me that “freedom is the best thing a person could have.” And it truly is.

My little Saoirse loves her freedom. She hated her crib and her playpen. Instead, she loved playing outdoor and getting driven around in the car. Too bad she was born during the pandemic, the most restrictive time I have experienced in my life. Since she was two months old, my little one has never got a chance to enter a mall.

As mentioned earlier, we also had a family photo taken. Our little one was more cooperative when we were with her. Also, the photographer’s assistant brought out a huge gorilla doll that made Saoirse laugh out loud. I rarely take photos of my little one, especially now that life is becoming busier, so I am grateful we got pictures of her laughing her head off.



Overall, I am glad we did this photoshoot. We were so delighted with the results. By the way, our photos were taken by Remember them Little. We also had the shoot at their studio, and they prepared the set. If you’re interested in working with them, they are located in Cavite, Laguna.

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