💕A Coffee Date with My Kids💕

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I have very fond memories of going to town on a Saturday morning and enjoying a tasty coffee in some small coffee shop with my family. I wasn’t really allowed to drink coffee at home and the stuff my mom bought was nasty, so I honestly believe that this is where my coffee snobbiness was born hahahaha.

Coffee snobbiness aside, the kids and I felt that we needed a much-needed break from our daily responsibilities and so we declared that we were going to bunk school and work and enjoy a day of much needed rest at home.

I’ve always believed that in all things there must be balance, and at times we all need a little reprieve from the daily rat race that is our lives at times. I also wanted to do something a little special with them and decided that a little trip down to the local coffee shop would work out perfectly.

I always cherish these little moments that we get to spend together. They are both getting so much older now and the oldest, almost a grown man, hardly has much time for his mommy anymore. Man, I still can’t believe how quickly they have both grown up.

In the past taking them to a coffee shop without a play area would just not have been option and I doubt I would have even had time to drink my coffee before I would have been pulled in another direction. Or be forced to run around behind them to make sure nothing happens to them.

My son decided on the Protein Smoothie, as any active teenage boy would, and my daughter decided that a Strawberry Milkshake is the best choice for her. Come to think of it I remember being a bit shocked as she normally favours Vanilla or Chocolate. And guess what I had? Yes, coffee lol.

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My daughter enjoying her Strawberry Milkshake

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My son hiding his Protein Shake so I can't take a photo lol

I honestly still believe that it just tastes better when it comes in cup in a small little coffee shop! I’m hoping that my children can share in my fondness for them as they journey into adulthood as well!

Thank you for Reading 😀

With Love Always, Justine


All Photos Are My Own,
Unless Sourced Otherwise lol 😂

Photo's taken with my Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra.
Collage created using picsart.com

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