Oha! A child is born

It has been more than 2 months since we introduced ourselves and now we are back! We have been away for a long time as we got busy with our newborn baby Hiraya. In this blog, Aya-chan will introduce herself to you. 😄

"I'm gonna go out! I'm gonna go out!" - and puff, a 3-kilogram me was evicted from mommy's tummy on October 01, 2022 after an 11-hour labor. Good job mommy for a job well done even without daddy by your side because of covid protocol.


"Oh no! There are some problems mommy and daddy!" I was in NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) because I was breathing very fast. Sensei called my condition Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn (TTN). He explained that I should be fine and well within 24-48 hours. Mommy hearing that calmed her emotions and took her worries away.

48 hours have passed and I am still in NICU and inside the incubator. Mommy visited me as she was expecting me to get out of NICU. One sensei told mommy to get out of NICU for a while as they will conduct tests on me. This made mommy worry. "Is something wrong with me? I thought I will be out here and be with mommy, but instead they are conducting tests on me!".


After the lab tests, mommy was called to go to the NICU. Three senseis explained to her about their findings. They tried to look at the cause of my fast breathing. Based on the results, they found out that my heart walls were partially thicker than normal and that there is a possibility of metabolic disease. "Oh, no!". "Don't worry mommy and daddy. I'll get better as days go by". Because of my conditions, the doctor called daddy to come to the hospital to consent them to transfer me to another hospital because they do not have a heart expert. It was the first time that daddy saw me in person. I was wearing cool tubes and sensors while they transfer me to another hospital. 😏


Worries and uncertainties were piling up. Mommy became emotional and daddy tried his very best to stay calm to comfort mommy. Evening on the same day, daddy went to the hospital where I was transferred. The doctor "sensei" explained my conditions to daddy. Sensie said that my heart walls are partially thicker than normal but my heart is working okay. She also said that the possibility of metabolic disease is less likely based on the succeeding test results, but I was still breathing very fast so they still need to monitor my condition for few more days. Sensie reassured daddy that I'll be fine and am doing okay. With a sigh of relief, daddy informed mommy who was at that time recovering in the other hospital.

On October 07, 2022, I was finally out from the hospital. Mommy and daddy were very happy and excited to bring me home.

I am also very excited to sleep on my very own crib.



Time flies so fast. As of the writing, I am already 2 months old. I am now heavier and healthier. Yepey! Mommy and Daddy survived the first months as parents in a foreign country. Here are some photos taken by daddy and mommy for me to see when I grow older.





That will be all for now. Up next will be my first Autumn travel with daddy and mommy. See you on our my next blog. "Ja mata ne".

Huan and Sharm.jpeg

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