
Hi friends. We created a "good video" dedicated to a great book by a great man.

More details in the video itself and the plot written specifically for it.

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"In my lifetime, I've managed to read quite a lot of books, try as I might, I can't recall all of them now. Yet, among this multitude books, there are those books - which I can count on the fingers of one hand, at any moment! Those books that have changed me as a person. The latest of such books (I'd like to believe it wasn't the last book that awakened new facets of worldview) was the autobiographical book "Will" by the American film actor Willard Christopher Smith Jr., co-authored by Mark Manson. Yes, it's the story of that Will Smith, whom we know thanks to movies like "I Am Legend," "Ali," "King Richard," "Independence Day," etc.

The first thing I'd like to point out in this book is the cosmic, unprecedented level of candor from the authors. I've yet to encounter such a book where the process of forming one's own personality is illuminated to the public so detailedly and deeply.

Usually, in similar publications, the authors illustrate their path, focusing only on the positive things they managed to achieve. Very rarely do they mention the obstacles that had to be overcome along the way. As for mistakes..., - nobody ever mentions them.

The book "Will" is entirely different. In it, the actor known to millions appears as an absolutely unusual personality. Such a Will as he was not imagined. The book is written so candidly that it's SCARY!!! Not many people in this world are ready to speak openly and candidly about their problematic moments of spiritual search, such as childhood traumas or personal experience working with psychoanalysts. I think this book was written with a tremendous desire to help others. To share one's own experience, to make living through mistakes by others less destructive.

I'm not the only one impressed by this book, I come across similar reviews more and more often. For instance, the famed Oprah Winfrey wrote: "This is the best memoir I've ever read."

Among other positive aspects of the book, it's necessary to note the colossal motivational charge that falls on your head during reading and after its completion. Indeed: "if in the middle of the book you, filled with the energy to do anything, to work, work, and work again, inspired by the desire to build 'your own wall'; then by the end of the book arises, simultaneously similar and completely different desire - 'to think, think, and think again'." (Note, by the word think, it literally means – to listen to one's own "I").

Will Smith in his life has reached unprecedented, incredible heights, as an actor from an ordinary working-class family. His path was full of inevitable life events, the experience from which allowed him to continue to win both in the fight with himself and with the entire surrounding world, exploring himself and the world. As noted in the book, the main process of cognition lies in the search for "answers" not outside us but within ourselves. So to speak – "to find one's own inner Grail."

If I were asked to summarize and remember this book with one phrase, I would encompass everything in one question - "WHAT MAKES ME HAPPY?".

When a person does not engage in self-deception. Listens to yourself true sincere desires, however terrifying for others or the person themselves they might be, it will be much easier for a person to be happy! Isn't that the most important thing in life? If we try to appease everyone around us, constantly please others (even if we manage to do so) - we risk realizing that we lived not our own life…

Another profound thought of the book, which I cannot fail to mention, is Will's revelation "feelings are much more valuable than any material goods."

All these deep insights, combined with a magically interesting plot, a list of outstanding books that awakened new facets of Will's worldview (the first among which is my favorite "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho) - make the book so unique that it can be boldly compared with the most outstanding books in human history."


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