Battle Chasers #7

Issue #1 - The first issue review and explanation of what I'm doing here.
Issue #2 - The set up continues.
Issue #3 - Prison break.
Issue #4 - Attack on the city.
Issue #5 - Battle and first story arc conclusion.
Issue #6 - New villains are introduced. Red Monika side story.

The story so far: Our heroes were victorious in the battle for the city but it was somewhat costly. Calibretto is in need of repair. Knolan and Garrison seem distraught. Gully is worried for her friends. Meanwhile a new villain, Sebastius, rolls into town with some Lycelots in disguise. And an old foe of Knolan, August, seems to be terrorizing his dreams (as well as his old friends.)


The issue starts with a short story about a serpent that rules a primordial land for centuries. Then is killed easily by a strange undead monstrosity. Sebastius has control of this monster and makes clear his intentions to use it against Gully.


Gully however, is just running around the city. Very childlike she wants to explore now that there is peace. Her friends are all laid up though so she goes to check on them. Knolan is missing so she goes to see Garrison. He is brooding and seemingly fighting back some rage issues. Soldiers show up to usher him away to the King and shew away Gully.


Guards at the gate are attacked by the monster, who rode a carriage in disguise. While this is going on Garrison has a conversation with King Vaneer. He wants Garrison to bring in those responsible for the attack on Skyhold. There is some evidence to show it was Red Monika and he wants Garrison to do it because the two of them have a history. Garrison refuses though. Or at least it seems, despite the King threatening to send his paladins that might not be too nice to Monika.


Gully still running around finds Calibretto and wants to help with the repairs. The Twiddlekin are craftsmen, second to the Dwarven masters. They are working on Bretto.


Garrison goes to the frontline with some soldiers to confront the attacking monster and Gully is in the gardens. Gully is also attacked by the monster and there is just this giant mass of undead craziness attacking everywhere.


It is able to knock out Gully. The soldiers think they've got the advantage because it seems to be running away from them, though it is not really. Garrison knows what is going on though and tries to get the soldiers to retreat. They of course, do not listen to him.


The issue ends with that. More undead rising to contribute to the power of the monster. Gully in trouble. Garrison cannot get the soldiers to listen. It is not looking good for the heroes again.

Sebastius has made his move and seems like he has the upper hand. We lose track of Monika again so we have no idea how she is faring against August and his War Golems. Have the Twiddlekin managed to repair Calibretto enough to help? Will Sebastius achieve his goal and take out Gully? Is Garrison going to take over command of the soldiers? Does any of it matter against such an unstoppable foe? And where is Knolan in all this mess?

To Be Continued!

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