It was over before it started

Whenever we are with our friends, we do some stupid stuff haha because life is incomplete without them. There are many incidents that happen to me which not only make me laugh but also the listeners. Today I would like to share another very funny incident with you all.

Me and a friend of mine went to a restaurant to eat after our work. This my friend is totally crazy but she is my life. She always does something fun whenever she goes anywhere with me.

When I ordered the food, my friend looked very happy. When I asked the reason for happiness, she said that my days of being single are gone.
I laughed a lot.
I asked what this means and she said that the boy sitting in front is mine from today.
I laughed even more at this.

I was laughing at her words, and thinking that she was saying anything like seriously anything. I didn't pay attention to her words at first but she was getting very serious about this boy.


So here our conversation started.

Fatima: Look at this person once, how cute he is.
Esha: What do I need to see? It's yours, you see.
Fatima: Dude, he has been staring at me ever since.
Esha: Yes, maybe his mind is damaged, he doesn't know how crazy you are. ( I said while laughing)
Fatima: Gurrrllllll, my days are about to change. All the girls will be jealous of me.

Esha: Yes, they don't have anything else to do in the world except to jealous from you.

Fatima: You are always so far behind in life, you don't know how much other girls jealous when a nice guy walks along.

Esha: Yes guys like this don't last long.(laughing badly)
Fatima: How can you say this so quickly?
Esha: Because I don't live in a fairy world and I know why start when everything has to end:p
Fatima: Shut up, you don't know anything.

I was not interested in her words but I was also noticing that the boy was really looking at her for a long time.

Our order arrived in such a long time. Now I knew that she would eat this food very carefully otherwise she would always make this table dirty while eating. I knew it was going to be a lot of fun haha

Fatima took hold of the burger very discreetly and opened her mouth only a little and started eating the burger.

I told her to eat properly as you eat, so she said to me that you are crazy, If I will open my mouth so big that the boy will run away. I was sick with laughter but I thoroughly enjoyed my burger.

We also ordered pizza along with burgers. When I ate half of the burger, Fatima was just showing her looks to him.

I looked back and saw that the boy was just eating weirdly. I said to Fatima that he is eating so rudely, you should eat too, what is the problem?

When we started eating the pizza, the fork fell from Fatima's hand and suddenly all the people at the tables started looking at us. She softly blamed me and said that it's okay Esha, let us get a new fork and he slowly called the waiter and got a new fork for me.

I was just amazed at her tricks and was wondering what would happen to her. While we were eating, Fatima got up in the middle of the meal and went to the bathroom.

I felt that something was wrong. She was trying to freshen up her lipstick when I went back to check on her and I was annoyed at who gets up in the middle of a meal.

Our food was over, but Fatima was not letting us get up. I was getting very angry with this boy, he was being eaten like a wild animal, and this madam's looks were not ending here.

When I asked Fatima that why we are waiting for him. She said that he'll gave me his number before going. I explained to her, just don't do it, you will get a lovely boy than him, so she said, "No, Esha, this is mine now."

We sat for half an hour and I was thinking in my mind why I am sitting here (feeling extremely stupid). What is my purpose in sitting here and finally the moment came when the boy got up and started to leave.

He was coming down the stairs. The reaction of Fatima's face was to be seen. I was sick of laughing that he left without giving her number but I had no idea of ​​her madness that she went after him and asked him that he had been sitting and staring at her for an hour but Why didn't he give her own number?

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He said, "Aunt", what happened, why should I give you my number?" The expressions of Fatimah's face was unbelievable hahahahah.

When the boy called her "Aun" because this girl is a little fat, so the boy thought that she was older.

Fatima started saying that "Aunt** will be your sister and I'm just 21. Then suddenly she realized that this boy has a problem in one of his eyes.

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Fatima said to him why are you looking there while talking. Look at me and talk. The boy said that I am talking looking at you, so Fatima said no, why are your eyes on the other side. Then the boy told that he has one eye problem because one of his eyes is crooked.

He looks somewhere else but the next one thinks that he is looking at us, so for the last hour and a half, Fatima was under the misconception that the boy was staring at her lmaoo

I was trying to control my laughter but couldn't. Then we left the restaurant in a hurry, but Fatima was about to see her face, she started saying that you are a disgraced person, you ruined my whole day.

The boy thinking what did I do to this aunt hahahahahahahhahah

That day was a very memorable day in my life and till today I tease Fatima, now she is afraid to even mention a boy's name:p

This is my story, I hope you all like it. If you did don't forget to comment your favorite part.

Note: All these memes are created in memes generator.

Goodbye for now

Kind regards;

Thank you for reading my post.



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