Beauty Creme is Treatment of Old Age

Hello everyone!

I hope you will be well and good. Life is all about fun and in our daily life many amusing things happen but often we don't feel them. Today I am here to discuss the paper of a student.

Monthly tests were going on for the college students and it was the biology test. My friend is a teacher and she discusses everything with me. As mentioned earlier it was the biology paper. All the students were ready for the exams and the exam started.

There was a question in the test paper that what are the signs of old age and what is its treatment?

The student defined the old age in a good way and also represented the old age signs well. But the student gave a very funny answer about the treatment of old age. She answered completely wrong and then also didn't use the English, required language but put a line in the Urdu language.

So what she answers about the old age treatment? She said that use faiza beauty creme to avoid old age signs. The students are very naughty nowadays and then she wrote this sentence not in English but in Urdu language.

فائزہ بیوٹی کریم لگاؤ اور بڑھاپے سے جان چھڑاؤ
And my friend who is a teacher read this answer in front of other teachers as well and everyone laughed a lot that how a student can answer just like this 🤣.

Let's read the next answer of that student. She had to write about the sleep movements in plants and the example was required. So she wrote about that topic and when she was about to write the example she was not getting the name of a plant. It is very common that we all know about the plant whose flowers blossom at night. She also knew that but was not getting the actual name of that flower. So she wrote رات کی رانی again in Urdu but still wrong 🤣 she wrote that queen of night is a flower which performs this phenomenon instead of writing Jasmine flower.

Guys have you ever experienced such things in your daily life or have you ever performed such funny answers by yourself. If you have done this then tell me as well so that I can understand that this is not the only student which has done this thing.

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