Unveiling The Wonders Of Atami Castle | Birthday Blog Part 3 | 熱海城

This is the last part of my birthday blog. It's been a month already, and I figured I should probably end this before July.


Have you been to Atami Castle?
How old do you think this castle is?


Probably a 3-minute walk from the observatory after taking the Atami Ropeway, one would find the Atami Castle. I felt happy seeing the castle up close now, when just a few hours before, I was just seeing it from the Atami Sun Beach. I've always wanted to come here so imagine me smiling from ear to ear when we reached the castle grounds. I've finally climbed up here!


Small store selling food


Before entering, we tried to sit down first on the benches near the entrance. They're so thoughtful to put a lot of benches around the premises. My partner wanted to rest for a bit but we were distracted by the last minute calls of an entertainer nearby.

It was a monkey show! The monkey looked old and tired, just my thoughts but he still went on with the show. It was fun to look at, if I would be everybody else but I couldn't really help but think of the monkey's welfare. Was he really enjoying entertaining these people or didn't he had a choice?




My birthday made me so emotional and now, I was feeling for the monkey.

We didn't finish the show. Probably my partner got bored or felt sorry for the monkey. I didn't ask the reason. We went back to the benches and an idea came to mind.

Statue hidden in the bushes

Near the entrance of the castle lies a little shrine where you could pray and also get your fortune. I didn't waste any minute, I immediately prayed and paid for my fortune paper.

Some covered tables for eating

Small but beautiful

My not so good fortune. Can you read it?

Tie your fortunes here

Eeek! It was below the average. What a bad luck! And what great timing, knowing I'll have bad luck on my birthday. I actually borrowed this 100 yen coin from my partner so maybe that was his fortune after all? 😄 But when my partner borrowed a 100 yen coin from me to get his fortune, it was still bad luck. 😂 We're hopeless. LOL

Ticket booth and entrance to the castle

We entered the castle after paying for the entrance fee. If you want to see the castle and the trick art museum beside it, there's a discounted fee for both attractions but we settled for the castle only.

Atami Castle

熱海城 (read as Atamijou) or Atami Castle in English stands more than a hundred meters above sea level. It's a great place to see Atami, aside from the observatory we just passed by. It's actually one of the places where you'll see a good view of the fireworks display that happens almost monthly in Atami. Even the day of my birthday, there was a fireworks festival happening at night time.


Atami Castle looks so historical, isn't it? Did you know that this castle is not really from the ancient times? This castle was built in 1959 just for tourism purposes. I was tricked by its structure, thinking that this castle was already many hundred years old. It's just so similar to the castles I've been to in Japan so one cannot be blamed if you're deceived just like me.

Atami Castle

So to answer the question how old is Atami Castle, it's still only a few decades. My grandmother is older than this castle in fact, probably yours too. 😅


It doesn't really felt fake and we surely enjoyed what we've seen and done inside the castle.

Free Massage

Before entering the samurai museum, we were so tempted to stay in the massage chair area. Who doesn’t get tempted when it’s for free? 😅

Massage chairs

There were 6 chairs and some of them were of different kinds. For your information, we changed chairs one time. 😂 Please don't judge me. I just wanted to try what the other chairs could offer.

The massage chairs

After changing chairs, I was a bit disappointed because I couldn't finish a course massage. The battery was probably broken.

Of course I cannot read this all LOL

Even when it was a bit broken, I still had muscle pains the next day. It was probably working but it was too much for me because I couldn't walk properly the next day. 😂

Samurai Museum



The exhibit in the samurai museum was epic! When I stepped foot in the museum, it felt like I was taken back in time when wars and feudal lords were still a thing.


The first thing you would find were the armors.

My boyfriend staring at the armors

My boyfriend was even so engrossed with these Japanese armors. Probably getting an inspiration from these.



Although these were outfits by the samurais of the ancient times, I could imagine a person wearing them.


There were different kinds of outfit for different levels of the society. High ranking officials got a more conspicuous design than the low level officials. Even children of these officials have their armor.


I wonder how heavy these are.


Child armor

Low ranking samurai armor

As stated from this text, the Atami Castle Samurai Museum showcases Japanese armors, swords and other weapons. All of these have intricate designs. A work of art indeed! They're preserved and displayed here so we could learn and appreciate history.

About Atami Castle Samurai Museum

More of the museum

A helmet is also part of the armor. There were different designs and of course, they also have detailed designs. Nowadays, you won't see anyone wearing these. Samurai ended in the Edo period so most of the things displayed here in the museum where from the Edo period (1603 to 1868).

Gold embossed Kazaori Eboshi hat shaped helmet from the Momoyama Period

Shell shaped helmet from Edo Period


Some of these helmets would intimidate someone for sure. Just look at them. They scream of their status.


In Edo period, Jingasa helmets were worn by high ranking officials to protect from the sun and to show dignity on normal days.

Jingasa helmets

Honestly, I don't know Japanese history very well. But now that I've seen these things, I should probably start learning or watching historical dramas. I mean I want to relate to these outfits! Imagine, this was their OOTD back in the days. 😄

While I was also so fascinated at the armors, I was so surprised to find that even horses have armors too!

Horse armor

Even the wooden horse is a work of art

Saddle from the Edo Period

I thought the museum ended there but there was a big section reserved for the weapons.



Who doesn't know what a katana means? These swords just don't look sharp but they've been used and preserved!


I think some of these swords were famous in their time. You know in animes, they name prominent swords. That's what I believe in some of these swords displayed here.



Would you believe that I've actually held on to one katana while I was here? It was unbelievably heavy! I used one hand (because only one hand can fit in the hole). It was a katana from the old times.


There were spears too. It's shorter than I've imagined them to be, probably cut? But they're still deadly weapons.




A shotgun from the past perhaps?

Shuriken from Edo Period

Aaahhh~ A shuriken! One would be too familiar with this if they love Naruto. There was only one displayed here in the museum, and this one is from the Edo Period.


Clothing from the Edo period. It's worn out but the designs are still visible. This was actually worn by firefighters from the ancient times. The material used for this clothing and gloves were a great protection from fires.

A fan from the Edo Period

Sickle and chain

There were the tools they've used in the Edo Period. Can you imagine that a cigar case has a hidden knife in it?

Tobacco case with hidden knife

The museum wasn't that so big but I was so entertained in seeing and learning from them. Some of the family crests were clearly visible in the designs. And all of those things I've seen were centuries old. It was so amazing that they were preserved up to this day.

Atami's Foot Bath


A nice foot bath while looking at the sea views of Atami? Count me in! It wasn't that long after we were relaxing in the massage chair and now we're enjoying the foot bath.

The foot bath is located outdoors


We didn't bring any towel but towels can be bought from this machine for only a 100 yen (or 0.7 USD).

Foot bath with boyfie~


It was a bit cold because we’re up here so the foot bath was helping us keep warm.


The foot bath is for sharing, and it’s not that too big so expect that you’ll be sitting beside strangers.


Our time in the bath was cut off because there was a family who came in, and the group who came in before us didn’t seem to want to leave first.

Leaving our place in the foot bath

The foot bath with the view was so refreshing. I could stay there longer but we’re pressed in time.

Figures Display

Have you seen these dividers in Japanese movies? Not this design but something similar.


This divider speaks a lot of the history of this town. Fun to read but my brain cells are almost at their limit in reading and understanding Japanese. 😂


There were dolls here too, and of different kinds. The details of these figures are so amazing, aren’t they?





About Atami CastleImages of Atami Castle in Year Showa 34 or 1959View of the castle from Izu

I learned about the Atami Castle from these images on the wall. There were even photos of it during 1959, from Showa period, when it was built. The castle didn't change from then, it's still as beautiful as ever!


You might be wondering what the commotion was all about in this photo. This section was actually the playing corner. The displays here were Japanese toys like けん玉 (read as kendama) and コマいろいろ (read as komairoiro which are tops). I've played the kendama before but I wasn't the best player at it. 😄 Have you played with Japanese toys before?


Before leaving the first floor, I took this chance to get a stamp from the castle. Up til now, I've regretted that I don't have a notebook to collect these stamps. I should really buy one before my next travel.

Top Floor Views


Our last stop was the top floor. Since we’re here, I wouldn’t miss the opportunity to check out the views on the highest floor of this castle.


I was surprised. I didn’t expect the top floor to be of this area. I thought it would be too wide and so spacious but well, it’s a little than I’ve imagined.



The views didn’t disappoint though. Although I’ve seen these views in the observatory earlier, I was still admiring the views from here.





My partner wasn’t feeling too adventurous anymore and preferred to stay in one place so I was circling around by myself. Luckily I found a place to take photos. I wanted to take these photos with my partner though but oh well..


"I lack sleep but I must roam around" face

My birthday face






We’ve skipped some floors but I heard there’s a floor where you could test your knowledge and answer quizzes. It seems fun, right? I like quizzes though I am not so knowledgeable, I just like it because it’s fun. If you’re like a quiz otaku, you could try to visit that floor but please don’t blame me if it’s all in Japanese. 😂

There’s more historical stuff in other floors too. It’s fun to travel and learn, right? 😅

It may be a modern castle with ancient design, it was still fun to explore. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to learn about history and of course see Atami from a vantage point. Its purpose never disappoint. 😊

This is the end of my 2023 birthday blog series.

For some people, they celebrate their birthday at home, with family and friends but for me, I'm not really that kind of person. Every year on my birthday, I want to do something special. That something special is usually going on a trip somewhere - to learn more about the world and to make the fondest memories, even if I have to go alone.

This year, I've spent most of my time in Atami. In Atami Castle, I've learned more about Japan's history. Increasing my knowledge on my birthday? Isn't it great? 😁

Aside from history, I've also learned a few things about myself, I mean, I did some reflection time too while I was looking at the nice views. 😊

Overall, it was a special day, celebrating it with someone special in a special place.

Now, would you come to Atami Castle?

Thanks for reading!
See you around! じゃあ、またね!

With love,

All photos are taken using my phone unless stated otherwise.

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