The Medieval Village of Dunster in Somerset


Travel once in a while and explore places you've never been. You'll be astounded by what lies ahead and your eyes will light up and you'll say to yourself, "Glad I'm here!"

Hello lovely people! Today I'm going to take you to Dunster Village, which my family visited last August when we stayed at Butlin's Minehead. This place exist for thousands of years and its long history has so much to tell.

Of all the walks I've made when travelling, this walk I enjoy the most. There's always something that will fascinate you.

We first visit the Dunster Castle that I already shared in my blog not long ago. And what's inside is just unbelievable!


Now let's walk down the village.

I love stone houses. Anything that is made of stones is beautiful in my eyes. At the start of our walk after going to Dunster Castle, we see the Dream Garden.


And as soon as you go inside, this beauty is awaiting you.

Dream Garden


Can you smell the scent of the flowers and do you feel instantly good just by looking at it?


The garden with its beautiful landscape is filled with gorgeous flowers. The St George's Church in the background made this a masterpiece.


Then off the street and you'll see this.

Residential houses, different shops, restaurants and pubs.


Look how old some of the houses are! This one here is dated back to 1371-1403 AD.


Then we keep walking and are stunned by the Gallox Bridge.


This is an English Heritage and it's a rare survival of a medieval packhorse bridge. Late 15th century when this type was first mentioned.

The bridge and ford linked the market town of Dunster to the wool-producing pasture to the south. Pedestrians and packhorses used the bridge while carts crossed the ford. The ford is the double-arched under the bridge.

Even the kids can't contain themselves and indulge in the inviting water and check out the bridge and under.


Traditional Thatched Cottages

Dunster retains the old architecture, its timeless beauty just like these thatched-roof cottages full of charm and beauty.


My daughter Tia loves this pink house. With her good imagination, she said, she used to live in this house but got kicked out. Lol. She must not have paid the rent.


She asked me to take this photo pretending that she was showing it to everyone.


And that this yellow house will be hers in the future. She will buy it.


Pixie Well

This is at the Dunster Castle Garden and the beautiful lover's bridge.

Pixie well.jpg


Lover's Bridge

Lover's Bridge.jpg

As we walk into the village we saw this water running going to the Watermill.


The Watermill


We are very lucky to see this going. And as far as history is concerned, milling has been a part of the Dunster estate since medieval times.


This Dunster Working Watermill is a rare example of a mill called a double overshot. Double overshot is when both wheels are powered by water from the leat on to a launder which delivers the water to the wheels from above.


Dunster water mill.jpg

Traditional Machinery

There's a small museum upstairs where you can see all the traditional machinery they use in making flour. They also show you how they make it and pack your own flour.

I bought one to take home with me and a beautiful tea towel.




The Watermill Shop



Before we left we dine in this lovely shop that serves Asian Food.

Born Appetite


And ordered our favourite tocino, bulalo and pansit!


Wait there's more as this is not just a restaurant aside from this cosy ambience while enjoying your cup of tea..


You can also shop as they have a wide range of crafts and souvenirs.


And wide selections of west country gins. They make their own gin as well!


What a lovely shop at the heart of this pretty village!

And that's the highlight of our walk. We didn't even see the other side of the village because of the limited time so yes, this is not just it. But I hope I show you enough how beautiful this village is.

Thank you for reading.

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