My Trip to Idanre Hill Resort in Ondo State, Nigeria

My adventurous trip to Idanre Hill in the city of Ondo. " "qjrE4yyfw5pEPvDbJDzhdNXM7mjt1tbr2kM3X28F6SraZgAdBPbJasRxKk3saMpEpPzcgaHFzWihqaDr8wGjPbNZyMHDRk2KEUFyozuQciqmDKgagYJLqR34.jfif"" This trip was inspired and was made to satisfy the hunger of understanding the community more and I say it was worth it.

seat back as i take you through the journey with some pictures and stories behind it.

Idanre is a town in Ondo state, Nigeria.

Idanre hill resort is one of the major tourist centers in Ondo state. Since we are all just visiting the city, we made it a team bonding exercise as well as reconnecting with mother nature.

Idanre hill is a tourist attraction in Ondo state, southwest Nigeria. They found it to be 15KM south west of Akure, the state capital. It is one of the most beautiful and historic landscape in Nigeria.


EKABO in Yoruba means welcome. It takes **682 **steps from the ground get to the top of the hill. The hills are steep-sided, dome-shape in nature.


I can’t say with certainty the age of the ancient city. As they have captured it in certain texts of it being 800 years old and in some others, 1,000. It's likely safe to peck it around 800-1000 years.
The ancient town is on the hilltop while the new settlement is at the base. This hill offered protection against invaders during the time of war with the surrounding communities.

On top of the hill are the following historical sites, which is an evidence of previous human habitation on Idanre hills.

  1. The Ancient palace (the King's court house) which was built in the 17th century

"image.png"2. The old primary school building which was built by the missionaries in 1986


3. Native court building which was built in 1906


4. The tombs building is where all the King’s are laid to rest till date.


5. The Arun River which is said to have magical healing powers.


6. Agboogun mysterious footprint.


Tourist may put their foot into the footprint. And mysteriously, the footprint contract and expands to accommodate all feet put into it. It is believed that anyone that the feet do not adjust to (fit) into the footprint is considered being a witch or wizard.


Idanre hill is one of those rare places where beauty, mystery, and majesty speak with the voice of silence.
I hope you find time to visit the wonderful gift of Mother Nature.

if you are an art lover, there is still some beautiful art work here and there.


A closer look at the ancient palace which the pillars are wood carvings
Funny fact
The below stone was used as a measure to determine if the male child is ready for marriage. The male child will have to carry the stone to the chest level before he is said to be ready for marriage and plenty of the guys that came on the trip could not carry, thus making them unfit for marriage LoL.


The cow skull signifies the calendar marking According to the Tour guide there are 43 cow skulls which signify the number of years the current King is seated on the throne. Every year a cow will be sacrificed and the skull is taken up there.. Fascinating, right???


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