The most beautiful neighborhood in Biella!!


Hello dear friends and welcome back here to my space in this beautiful community

Today, as I had already mentioned in yesterday's post, I want to share with you my exploration for the first time in this historic district of Biella. It is called the piazzo district and in my opinion it is the most interesting part of Biella because every street and corner is always full of history and most probably, but this is just my supposition, many of these places will be full of stories and legends.


As I told you, there is a funicular that connects the district with the centre of Biella, and you absolutely must visit this place because it is the most medieval and oldest part of the whole town, and as usual I took my classic walk through the streets of this place and photographed what struck me as the beautiful square that somehow reminded me a bit of the piazzas of the Umbrian and Tuscan villages, and you can feel the medieval air here.




Then I also photographed, a strange installation I think of modern art, but honestly I could not find any signs describing this installation, a kind of cow inside a balcony of a fairly historic house, perhaps this was to underline the numerous cow farms that are located nearby, unfortunately I could not find anyone to ask because probably also due to the fact that it is July there were very few people around, but even the research I did did not find an answer to my thousands of questions.


My friend told me that every now and then festivals used to be organised in this beautiful square in the past, but nowadays nothing is organised there after the pandemic, which I think is a real shame.


One very interesting piece of information that I would like to share with you is that for several years the funicular that connects the centre of Biella with this historic district has been free of charge, so I would say that this is great news not only for those who live in Biella, but also for some tourists who certainly happen to be there from time to time, and I have to tell you the truth, it is not something so obvious to find something free in Italy, especially nowadays when you are in a tourist area they charge anything.


So in the end in my opinion this neighbourhood is really worth a visit, especially for someone like me who loves history, but I recommend it to everyone, and I hope you liked the pictures I took, see you in my next post

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