Epic RoadTrip Day 21 & 22 + Bonus Video

Day 21 of this RoadTrip was catching up on laundry and some vehicle maintenance.  We walked around the town of Gardiner and checked out the local shops.  Most of them were still closed for the season, mush like a good part of the park.

While we walked around looking for some lunch I saw these beautiful beasts.  I had to go check them out.  They were all setup different and a variety of sizes.  Some even had on-board air!  I need one of these in my life.

A short walk later and we found some lunch.  

After lunch we got the call our Chariot was done.  Back on the road!  Well, first we had to do our laundry.  We did have time to make a short run down to a few springs.

Day 22

Day 22 started out with a surprise.  It snowed!  Well into May we weren't expecting this.

I’m not sure if this hotel is still in operation. It was in the historic floods a few weeks after this picture.
I'm not sure if this hotel is still in operation.  It was in the historic floods a few weeks after this picture.

Today we were heading over to Canyon village and then out the East Entrance.  The snow got pretty bad and this picture doesn't do it justice.

We did catch a break from the snow to get a cool shot of the falls.

One thing we did see that was really cool was a white wolf.  I didn't have a good camera at this point so it's a zoomed in grainy cell phone pic.

It would have been nice if the weather could have cooperated with us, but it was still amazing.  We could post 1000 pictures and a 1000 words for each and it wouldn't come close to what you see out here.

If you were ever debating going to Yellowstone, you should do it.  It's truly one of the few wild places left you can easily access.  3 days was not enough but we were running low on travel energy.  This was our view on the way out.

We plan on another trip out here to see Glacier and the Grand Tetons.  This time it will be a dedicated trip to this area.

Bonus Video!!!

This is the second YouTube video we've ever made and aren't very good at it yet.  More practice and the videos will be much better.  

On our way back to the hotel on Day 20 we were driving with the windows up in the rain.  Over all that we were able to pick up a very strange sound.  The only time we've ever heard that noise was on the Sasquatch shows on TV.  

Don't forget to Like and Subscribe.  Let us know what you think made that sound!

Our stop to end the day was another we'd never heard of.  Thermopolis Wyoming.  More on that in Day 23.  Here was most of our route for the day.  The Gardiner route we took has since been washed out and Google won't let me select it.

Thanks for following along on our adventure.  Be sure to follow us on Facebook and YouTube for more RoadTrips!  

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