Fun Adventure in Ironggolo Waterfall, Kediri, Indonesia


~ 😘 Hello Travel lovers around the world 😘 ~

Welcome back to my post, @queen-silvia. In this post, I am gonna invite you to have a journey in another beautiful Waterfall in Besuki tourism area. The name if Waterfall is Ironggolo. It's located at Wilis Mountain just like Dolo Waterfall. If you haven't read about Dolo Waterfall, you can read it in below link. It tells the story walking alone in Dolo Waterfall. It's so scary since the sun is about to set and literally no one in the forest except me :

My Adventure in Dolo Waterfall, Kediri, Indonesia (Feels like lost in the forest alone)

Alright, for now, let's have a tour in Irenggolo waterfall. As usual, I went with my mother from home. we went to the waterfall using motorcycle since I still can't drive a car 😅, only my sister can drive it. Well, going with motorcycle is faster since we can escape from traffic jam. I took some pictures of the forest along the way :



Here is the entrance gate. we can see more people coming than my previous post in Dolo waterfall because I went to Ironggolo Waterfall on Sunday at 11 AM. This way I will never get lost alone again in the forest alone.


At the gate, we can see some people wear red uniform. they are the tourist officers. Their job is to guide the tourists if they had any questions and to provide the entry ticket (for sale). The price of the ticket is shown in the pictures below :


$1 is equal to 15000 IDR at the current price so since I went with my mom, then our ticket cost was 14000 IDR or 93 cent. Actually the ticket price is calculated based on the number of people entering the tourism area, the parking area and the transportation used to enter the tourism area. The higher the vehicle, the more expensive the ticket cost.


This is the entrance to the waterfall. If you see carefully, there's written : "Ironggolo" which is the name of the waterfall.


And this is my mom on our motorcycle. The woman who always cared about me.


Here is the pictures of the jungle in the Ironggolo Waterfall. Those are Teak Tree. We came when the weather was sunny. It was a nice day because we can see the landscape clearly.


This is the parking area. At the right side, we can see some food stalls selling any kind of food and snacks. The price was a bit more expensive because they are selling in the tourist area. Generally, a car is carrying a group of family. they came in droves.


Ironggolo waterfall provide camping ground for those who want to set up a tent and fell the "cold" at night. They can also make a bonfire to make the surrounding air warmer. the land is flat and suitable for camping.



These are some other food stalls inside the tourist area which provide various kind of foods. I and my mom decided to bring food from home for lunch since we have cooked a lot of food at home.


Below picture is food stall building. The structure and design is made in Javanese style. We called it "Pendopo" which means the place for having lunch / dinner, coffee, and some discussions.


In every corner of the streets, we can see some directions guiding us to specific destination. Where to go to waterfall, praying room, garden and toilet. Some people also selling decorative plants such as Edelweiss, Orchid, Daisy, etc.



These are the roads to reach the Ironggolo Waterfall. It's narrow and we can see numerous kind of plants along the way. The feeling is like walking in the jungle. I saw some huge trees which attract our intention so we took some pictures of them.



The big roots of the huge trees prevent the soil from landslide. So the presence of all plants and vegetations here is very important.


Not only I and mom who walked in this street but there were some young people as well. We have some talks at the first time we met but since my mom walked pretty slow, we let them to go into the waterfall first :)


However, The root of big trees is also destroying the streets which is built for pedestrians, so the new bridge is made to accommodate visitors. I think in some next years, when the giant tree grows up, the bigger root could damage the bridge as well, so I think some adjustment will be needed.


This how the overall bridge looks like. It's made in the form of ladder because of different altitude between each end of the bridge. We can also see damaged street due to the giant root in below picture. It's very dangerous since if the visitors were not walking carefully, they could plunge into the abyss.


Alright, after walking for around 30 minutes, we arrived at the Ironggolo waterfall. Below some couple took their pictures with the waterfall. Some kids playing with their friends, brothers or sisters. Kids really like to swim in this waterfall. They spent lots of time in the water. It's so cool and fells so great in our legs.




There was an adult person who put off his clothe and feel the cool water at the waterfall. He enjoyed it a lot. I think he was shivering with cold but that's what he was looking for. He was not put off his short pants since there were lots of people in the waterfall. He would definitely shy to be naked in front of lots of people, ha ha ha. Many people enjoyed their time there.


Here are some other views around the waterfall area. most of adult people were just sitting around, talking each other, monitoring their kids who swim in the waterfall, etc. Some people also took some pictures just like what I did. Taking some photographs for the Hive post :).



There was a happy family who had picnic in the waterfall. They prepared the food from their home and enjoy it in the waterfall.


This is the view of the waterfall without any person. As we can see, it looks like a "ladder" waterfall. I really want to go up there and take some close pictures (from the top of waterfall) but it's so slippery and I afraid of fell slipped so I think taking the photographs from the water is enough.


When kids felt enough with the waterfall, now it's young people turn to enjoy the cool of the water.


Below picture is the couple who amazed with the scenery of waterfall from some distance. We can see some nice landscape also from this point. Looks wonderful, isn't?. It looks like an endless waterfall since the leaves cover the top of waterfall.


This is general photographs of the waterfall. I think it's the best photo to describe the waterfall so I took this one as the thumbnail of the post. There were lots of people enjoying the waterfall at the same time.


This is the way to go back to the parking area. The architect made it in ladder shape to prevent visitors fell slipped. There were plenty of green plants which is very interesting.


And... for the last picture, this is one of landscape I took when we go back to our home.


Okay guys, I want to pin my post on Pinmapple and here is the code I got from Pinmapple

:# (!pinmapple -7.86339 lat 111.85025 long d3scr)

It's exactly pinpoint the location of Ironggolo Waterfall. 😊



Alright guys, That's all I can share to all of you about Ironggolo Waterfall, One of the beautiful waterfall in Kediri, Indonesia. All the pictures in this post are taken by my camera. I hope you like the post and If you want to know about what's the best tourist destination Indonesia or Bali, Feel free to DM me in my contact below. Thanks for reading the post, any comments will be much appreciated, let's get to know each other :)

Take care and Bye ~


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